Genome-wide association mapping for LLS resistance in a MAGIC population of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) Article 10 March 2023 Genetic dissection of resistance to gray leaf spot by genome-wide association study in a multi-parent maize population Article Open access 02 January 2024 Genome-...
【Conclusion】These monoembryonic polyploids are valuable for seedless breeding. GISH result has proved the existence of unreduced eggs in Citrus grandis cv. Shatianyou. 展开 关键词: Citrus grandis Osbeck. cv. Shatianyou Polyploid Genome in situ hybridization (GISH Unreduced gamete ...
The karyotype data and the mapping of ribosomal sites corroborate the proposals of allopolyploidy in U. humidicola and the hybrid origin to the H031 accession.Ana Gabriela Damasceno further author information...
Plant genomesspan several orders of magnitude in size, vary in levels of ploidy and heterozygosity, and contain old and recent bursts of transposable elements, which render them challenging but interesting to assemble. Recent advances in single molecule sequencing and physical mapping technologies have ...
Whole-genome duplication (WGD) is widespread across eukaryotes and can promote adaptive evolution1–4. However, given the instability of newly formed polyploid genomes5–7, understanding how WGDs arise in a population, persist, and underpin adaptations r
Whole-genome duplication (WGD), or polyploidy, events are widespread and significant in the evolutionary history of angiosperms. However, empirical evidence for rediploidization, the major process where polyploids give rise to diploid descendants, is still lacking at the genomic level. Here we prese...
“Traditionally sugarcane has been bred just for sugar but now with the move to net zero, there is great interest in one of the most productive crops in the world becoming a source of renewable carbon,” he said. “This genome mapping will help us produce sugarcane that’s a better raw ...
Residing in the stroma, theplastidgenome is encoded on a double-stranded DNA molecule, which in land plants is composed of a singular circular mapping structure based on the presence of twoinverted repeat sequences. Recent molecular evidence is causing the field to reconsider the long-held belief...
Using expressed small RNA data, a similar number of microRNA sequences were predicted in both A- and B-genomes, but additional novel miRNAs were detected, including some that are unique to each genome. The usefulness of this B-genome sequence was evaluated by mapping RNA-seq data from a ...
A computational toolkit for applying these methods, and a worked example using tetraploidBrassica napuscan be found at Github ( Note1, Supplementary Fig.2). Raw data and statistics for all 13-mers forB. napusanalysis are ...