Contact center software 客户案例 合作伙伴 合作伙伴 全球战略联盟 渠道合作伙伴 AppFoundry partners System integrators 独立顾问 公司 Careers Global offices Leadership Sustainability Trust Center 奖项和荣誉 新闻资讯 Legal 与Genesys联系 保持联系,获取最新文章、行业故事、产品更新等信息。
1-888-436-3797 | Genesys is a leader for omnichannel customer experience and contact center solutions, trusted by more than 11,000 companies in over 100 countries.
Genesys 客户交互软件包括支持客户所需的所有功能,包括呼叫路由、聊天、电子邮件、消息应用程序、社交媒体、屏幕共享、自助 IVR、劳动力优化、分析和报告,所有这些都在一个平台中。 通过Genesys 联络中心和数字参与解决方案改善客户和座席体验、运营效率并推动业务转型。
We provide Genesys solutions in the cloud, on-premise, and as a hybrid model, to fit wherever you are on your CX roadmap. Shared strategic vision We have joint strategic alignment and executive engagement with ongoing investment in R&D. Proven and trusted capabilities We have the largest ba...
This recognition as ‘Global Migration Partner of the Year’ by Genesys for FY24 is a testament to our significant contribution to the Contact Center as a Service (CX) landscape. It underscores our proficiency in delivering top-tier CCaaS solutions and fostering seamless customer-agent interact...
Future-proof your contact center with an open platform As a single AI-powered platform designed to evolve, Genesys Cloud is inherently more agile, secure and globally available than other solutions. It also delivers a better user experience and provides a lower total cost of ownership....
More than 100 million customer interactions each day are facilitated through Genesys customer experience and contact center solutions. With more than 40 worldwide offices and more than 3,500 customers in 80 countries, Genesys works to deliver seamless, tailored customer experiences across multiple channe...
Genesys的Internet Solutions提供了最实时的监控系统,呼叫中心(Call Center)的管理者可以随时得知客户排队等待响应的状况以及话务员处理的效益,在流量过大或人力资源不足时可立即进行工作调整以确保服务的最佳状态。 最精确的统计分析 所有互联网上进行的互动都会被后端系统完整的记录下来,除了可以由记录持续追踪可能性的销售...
Prime Contact helps you accelerate your contact center innovation, leveraging our 15+ years of Genesys consulting expertise and leveraging our software solutions: WFM Buddy and Real Time Stats.
Genesys, a global leader in contact center solutions, stands at the forefront of a new era of cloud computing, reshaping its approach with a focus on embedded analytics.