ii.《创世记》第34章一次也没有提到神,是以色列历史上最肮脏的章节之一。《创世记》第35章一遍又一遍地提到神,超过10次之多,另外还有11次提到神的名字,比如伯特利和以色列。 b.要在那里筑一座坛给神:雅各被告知回到伯特利,在那里继续敬拜的生活。回归到神里面对雅各的子嗣产生了特别好的影响。这提醒我们,父母能...
利亚给雅各所生的女儿底拿出去,要见那地的女子们。那地的主希未人,哈抹的儿子示剑看见她,就拉住她,与她行淫,玷辱她。示剑的心系恋雅各的女儿底拿,喜爱这女子,甜言蜜语地安慰她。示剑对他父亲哈抹说,求你为我聘这女子为妻。 a.利亚给雅各所生的女儿底拿:这一章包含了以色列历史上最耻辱的事件之一。利亚...
i. Adam Clarke quoted Rabbi Simeon ben Joachi, commenting on the word Elohim:“Come and see the mystery of the word Elohim; there are three degrees, and each degree by itself alone, and yet notwithstanding they are all one, and joined together in one, and are not divided from each othe...
3.The third interpretation, therefore, which regards the sons of God as the pious Sethites (Cyril of Alexandria, Theodoret, Augustine, Jerome, Calvin, Keil, Havernick, Lange, Murphy, Wordsworth, Quarry, 'Speaker's Commentary'), though not without its difficulties, has the most to recommend ...
“Do you not tremble before Me, the One who set the sand as the boundary for the sea, an enduring barrier it cannot cross? The waves surge, but they cannot prevail. They roar but cannot cross it.Proverbs 8:29when He set a boundary for the sea, so that the waters would not surpass...
i.以西结书第28章第13-19节告诉我们撒旦曾在伊甸。其他许多章节将蛇或蛇样的生物与撒旦联系在一起(如约伯记第26章第13节和以赛亚书第51章第9节)。启示录第12章第9节和第20章第2节说到龙,就是古蛇,又叫魔鬼,又叫撒旦。 ii.撒旦被描绘成一条蛇,这使得摩西通过举起一条铜蛇来拯救以色列的想法更具挑衅性...
1.(1-4)拉结心中沮丧,就将她的使女辟拉给雅各,使她与雅各生儿育女。 拉结见自己不给雅各生子,就嫉妒她姐姐,对雅各说,“你给我孩子,不然我就死了。”雅各向拉结生气,说,“叫你不生育的是神,我岂能代替他作主呢?”拉结说,“有我的使女辟拉在这里,你可以与她同房,使她生子在我膝下,我便因她也得孩子(...
Noah's life of 950 years is a testament to his enduring faith and obedience to God. His legacy challenges us to live faithfully, regardless of the length of our days.The Certainty of MortalityDespite his righteousness and long life, Noah's death reminds us of the inevitability of mortality....
It reflects the biblical theme of life as a journey, where each day is a step in fulfilling God's promises. Abraham's life, marked by obedience and faith, serves as a testament to God's enduring faithfulness. and the LORD had blessed himThe use of "the LORD" here is significant, as...
5.(33-35)拉班搜寻他家里的偶像。 拉班进了雅各,利亚,并两个使女的帐棚,都没有搜出来,就从利亚的帐棚出来,进了拉结的帐棚。拉结已经把神像藏在骆驼的驮篓里,便坐在上头。拉班摸遍了那帐棚,并没有摸着。拉结对她父亲说,现在我身上不便,不能在你面前起来,求我主不要生气。这样,拉班搜寻神像,竟没有搜出来...