Gene expression signature-based prognostic risk score in gastric cancer. Clinical Cancer Research, 17 (7), 1850–1857. : 10.1158/1078-0432.ccr-10-2180 .Cho JY, Lim JY, Cheong JH, Park YY, Yoon SL, Kim SM, et al. Gene expression signature-based prognostic risk score in gastric cancer....
we first performed univariate Cox regression using the weighted Cam_121 expression score (see “Methods” section “Survival analyses”) as a predictor. We found that the Cam_121 signature significantly associated with both OS (hazard ratio (HR) = 1.64 (95% CI 1.30–2.07),p = 3.5...
Since the score of gene set is unitless and reflects the likeliness of the gene set being more expressed that expected, it cannot give any information on the level of expression of the gene set, can it?If so, would it be an other way of assessing the level of co-expression of the spe...
读文献--综述:Comparison and evaluation of pathway-leel aggregation methods of gene expression data Introduction Background 得到数据的功能性的理解集中于基因集的功能,比如pathways而不是单个基因.现在pathway-level的分析主要是ORA和GSEA,另外的方法也在探索.该方法首先在pathway层面整合基因表达数据,将原始数据转化...
Using a signature discovery set (n = 81) we identify a signature containing 303 genes predictive of RIF. Independent validation in 34 samples shows that the gene signature predicts RIF with 100% positive predictive value (PPV). The strength of the RIF associated expression signature also ...
The prognostic performance of each signature was evaluated via a meta-analysis of 1927 early stage NSCLC patients collected from 15 studies using three evaluation metrics (hazard ratios, concordance scores, and time-dependent receiver-operating characteristic curves). The performance of each signature ...
UCell 计算单细胞gene signature score 在做单细胞转录组数据分析时,我们经常遇到特定(通路/功能)基因集合的表达活性分析,目前比较常用的是GSVA以及Seurat软件包的AddModuleScore[1]函数。这里我们介绍一种新的方法UCell[2],它具有以下特点: UCell scores 对数据集的大小和异质性具有鲁棒性 UCell评分基于基因排序,因此...
In a multivariable Cox model performed in the CALGB 40601 trial, the immunoglobulin G signature, but not tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes, was independently associated with event-free survival. Meaning Findings suggest that when both tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes and gene expression are available, the ...
First, the gene expression data from multiple cells in the same cell cluster were aggregated to make pseudo-cells, and then fed into CIBERSORTx32 ( to create a signature matrix file for the anatomically matched GTEx tissues. Next, the TPM gene expression data ...
[1]. The score is scaled from −1 to +1, with negative scores indicating BRAFV600E-like signature and positive scores indicating RAS-like expression. The development of BRS has introduced the ability to assess whether the gene expression of a non-mutant thyroid neoplasm is similar to that...