Box plots are defined with boxes spanning the first to third quartiles. The whiskers extend from the box to the smallest or largest values no further than 1.5 × IQR away from the box. The notches extend 1.58 × IQR × (√n)−1 from the median. All statistical tests ...
Boxes g1 and g2 denote members in a family "G" and "fragment X" represents the genomic fragment that contains gene g1 and its neighboring genes and "fragment Y" is the genomic fragment that contains g2 and its neighboring genes. The gray boxes connected by dashed lines represent pairs ...
The color of annotation boxes shows genes that are dynamic and static eQTLs. e, Boxplot shows IL18R1 dynamic eQTLs. The average expression of the gene within each pseudotime window was stratified by genotype. Central lines indicate the median, with boxes extending from the 25th to the 75th ...
(B) Network representation of truly significant and highly enriched GO:BP terms related to flavonoid, aromatic amino acid and terpenoid metabolism are highlighted in purple boxes. Other enriched GO terms were removed from presentation for clarity. (C) Expression specificity of module ‘All _HCCA_...
and the sequence arrays needed for position-independent expression only are indicated by brackets. The individual elements are not drawn to scale. Coding regions are depicted as red boxes (lighter in case of pseudogenes) with the name of the gene indicated above. DNaseI-hypersensitive chromatin sit...
Encyclopedia of Biological ChemistryReference work2004,Encyclopedia of Biological Chemistry Judith AnnFoster Explore book Gene Promoter Theelastingene promotercontains features of a constitutively expressed (housekeeping) gene. It lacks a classicTATA box, is very GC rich (67%), has twoCAAT boxesand poss...
The boxes and lines denote exons and introns, respectively. Eight conserved motifs of each subfamily were displayed in different colors. The scale on the bottom is in base pair (bp) Fig. 3 Chromosome distribution and segmental duplication of pepper BBX genes. ...
green and yellow boxes, respectively. Motifs of each of the SsBBXs, and 10 different motifs, are each denoted by different colored boxes. Exons and introns are represented by yellow boxes and black lines, and untranslated (UTR) 5′ - and 3′ -regions are indicated by green boxes, ...
potential PKC phosphorylation sites are indicated by boxes, and Ser triplets are double underlined.(B)Representative electrophoretograms of the rs35062132 (c.1126C>G/T; R376G/C). Left, homozygote for the common allele (376R/376R); middle, heterozygous carrier of c.1126C>G (376R/376G);...
The bottom right-hand panels (white arrows) in the GFP and merged column represent ×3 magnification of the boxes showing the nucleus Full size image Discussion Although a variety of MYB TF genes involved in the flavonoid biosynthetic pathway have been identified and characterized in various ...