Descriptive statistics were conducted to explore the features of the sample. Inferential statistics (multivariate and univariate analysis of variance [ANOVA]) were used to determine the effect of the independent variables—extracted through the Sociodemographic Questionnaire (gender identity, level of educati...
Freud once asked, What do women want? Long before Freud, and continuing to the present day, many men have wondered, Why do they (women) behave as they do? Similarly, many women ask, Why do they (men) behave as they do? In a widely read nonacademic volume
In the schools, support will be provided by counselors, as well as newly graduated psychologists and doctoral students, who will be responsible for documenting the proper execution of the intervention. The steering committee will convene every 2 weeks to oversee the implementation and progress of the...
Although gender equality, is a stand-alone SDG goal, it also plays a significant part in advancing all other objectives and aims for health and well-being [6]. Burden of mental health issues India, being a country with existing gender inequality [7], with evidence of gender disparities in ...
Students (n=90), who agreed to participate in the research, were reached without sampling on March 3, 2018. The questionnaire form was composed of questions to determine the sociodemographic characteristics of the students and their sensitivity to gender equality. Permission was...
gender inequality and gender cultural traditions—the more gender equal a country is, or the more its people do not agree that mathematics is a male field, the narrower the gender gap in mathematics learning in this country is, and female students even tend to surpass male students in ...
997 children from the China Jintan Child Cohort Study participated in the present study and reported their maltreatment experience perpetrated by their mothers and fathers using the questionnaire, Parent–Child Conflict Tactics Scale (CTSPC_CA). Generalized linear model analyses show that boys were ...
Today, women comprise half of accounting students, Certified Public Accountant test-takers, and employees at public accounting firms. However, women in public accounting face an invisible barrier when it comes to reaching the level of partner, where they represent only nineteen percent of partners. ...
(see Fig.2). More broadly, in the absence of any agreed thresholds for what size of inequality might be considered to be practically significant or substantively important, we drew on two very large, wide-ranging analyses of predictors of self-reported adolescent wellbeing [12,62], using ...
The ‘Big Five’ personality traits were measured with the NEO-FFI questionnaire; stereotypical femininity and masculinity with the Bem sex role inventory (BSRI); sexual disorders with the International index of erectile function (IIEF); socio-epidemiological data, sexual behaviours and attitudes towards...