Conversely, 84% of our participants affirmed themselves to be exclusively heterosexual and 4% homosexual or bisexual. The difference can be explained by the fact that the survey of sexual orientation was conducted with different metrics. In fact, ISTAT percentages refer to a breakdown of the popul...
Population means were calculated for the following scales formed from survey questions: the Community Attitudes Supportive of Violence Against Women Scale (CASVAWS), the Gender Equality Attitudes Scale (GEAS) and measures within the GEAS representing the theoretical dimensions. There was variation in ...
To better distinguish between sex and gender, the researchers also recommend asking two separate questions in which respondents indicate their sex at birth, followed by the gender they currently present as or identify with. "Then, if you're interested in studying inequality, you have both pieces ...
We recruited participants via Prolific Academic, an online survey platform. Participants were eligible to participate if they: identified as women, were currently in a relationship with a person who identifies as a man, had been in their current relationship for at least six months, were living w...
This study explores determinants of attitudes toward gender inequality among Chinese people using five waves of the Chinese General Social Survey (CGSS) and East Asian Social Survey (EASS, 2016). The study uses five survey questions regarding the relative roles of men and women in the family and...
The researchers then analyzed and categorized the codes to emerging themes in response to the WPR questions. 4. Results and discussion 4.1. What is the problem of gender inequality represented to be in the forest and rural sectors? The selected forest policy documents (Table 3) set the ...
Survey responses. a Responses to survey questions about how well women are represented in leadership roles; if experienced/ observed gender inequality in CGE; and, if felt held back due to gender. M = male and F = female. Numbers show raw counts and *indicates statistically different...
Earnings inequality, caregiving expenses and other factors can negatively impact women's retirement savings.
(see Fig.2). More broadly, in the absence of any agreed thresholds for what size of inequality might be considered to be practically significant or substantively important, we drew on two very large, wide-ranging analyses of predictors of self-reported adolescent wellbeing [12,62], using ...
Due to the nature of the survey and the limited sample questions, unweighted regressions were conducted. It is important to note that in general stratum differs from income groups. Whereas income group focuses on the economic categorization of individuals or households based on their earnings, stratu...