METHOD. We used a linked dataset from the national cancer registration system in England including all adult patients diagnosed with a malignant or benign brain tumour between 2013 and 2018 (51,775 patients in total). Glioblastoma patients were selected based on ICD-1...
GBM巅峰对话|Timothy Cloughesy教授:贝伐珠单抗——当前复发性GBM标准治疗的基石 于2019年10月25-27日在北京天坛医院成功召开,与会期间,来自美国加州大学洛杉矶分校(UCLA)的Timothy F. Cloughesy教授带来了精彩讲座Glioblastoma:Standards of ...
of CreaVax-BC) on the cervical lymphnode of the humeral region 4 times every 2 weeks, 4 times every 4 weeks, and then 1 time every 8 weeks resulting in a total of 9 times of injections. Each injection will be intracutaneous and divided into 2~3 times to induce anti-cancer immunity...