.\viewers\bin\SIBR_gaussianViewer_app -m data/output pause (2)data文件夹设置 在gaussian splatting文件夹里面新建一个data文件夹,然后将你拍的视频命名为input放入到data文件夹中,然后再在data文件夹里新建一个input文件夹,然后分别双击点击运行上面四个指令后就会生成一系列参数。 11、打开可视化页面 运行完上...
Select a ply file Camera Position json Download specific sceneDownload all scenes - 14GB Controls: Left click + drag: Look around W/S: Forward / Back A/D: Left / Right Q/E: Spin Z/X: Down / Up
Then use our [online viewer](https://niujinshuchong.github.io/mip-splatting-demo) to visualize the trained model. image.png image.png 运行python create_fused_ply.py -m benchmark_nerf_synthetic_ours_mtmt/ship --output_ply fused/ship_fused.ply得到fused中.plt,可在niujinshuchong.github.io...
2. 下载代码,构建自己的数据 在编译好colmap之后,就可以用来将自己的数据构建一个Structure-from-motion的数据格式,然后gaussian splatting算法就可以直接在数据上训练了. 先从官方仓库中克隆gaussian splatting的代码 git clone https://github.com/graphdeco-inria/gaussian-splatting --recursive (1) 默认Colmap配置...
Launch the viewer:python main.py You can check how to use UI in the "help" panel.The Gaussian file loader is compatiable with the official implementation. Therefore, download pretrained Gaussian PLY file from this official link, and select the "point_cloud.ply" you like by clicking the '...
Three.js-based implemetation of a renderer for3D Gaussian Splatting for Real-Time Radiance Field Rendering, a technique for generating 3D scenes from 2D images. Their project is CUDA-based and needs to run natively on your machine, but I wanted to build a viewer that was accessible via the...
This is crawled to find out about the 2023 gaussian splatting papers in arxiv. There may be errors, so please leave a Pull Request or Issue and i will actively reflect it.Updated on January 6.The Arxiv paper, which was published in 2024, is in the Lee-JaeWon/2024-Arxiv-Paper-List...
ffmpeg -i /myDoc/rangcha.mp4 -qscale:v 1 -qmin 1 -vf fps=4 ./dataset/input/%04d.jpg # 转换、训练和viewer在GitHub上面有说明,我就不重复了。最好是在Windows的powershell中运行,Linux在convert部分不太友好,特别是在docker中的时候。
自己不想跑的话,可以下载下来,按照第四步直接用SIBR_viewers看。 四、结果显示 ./SIBR_viewers/install/bin/SIBR_gaussianViewer_app --appPath /home/xxx/code/gaussian-splatting/SIBR_viewers2/install/shaders/core --m /home/xxx/code/gaussian-splatting_comments/output/bf565dec-b...
1.3D Gaussian Splatting资料 graphdeco-inria/gaussian-splatting 数据按照目录准备好,按照教程基本可以正常训练,数据量较大时,建议使用nerfstudio训练(用原始的3dgs莫名的闪退);用SIBR_remoteGaussian_app.exe可以实时可视化训练过程数据;目前遇到的问题是用预编译的SIBR_gaussianViewer_app查看有点问题,可能环境配置问题...