高斯计和特斯拉计其实可以叫同一种仪器,只不过是按单位的叫法不同。他们之间的单位换算公式:“微特斯拉(u Tesla)”,即百万分之一特斯拉,特斯拉是磁场单位,1T=1N/(A·m)=1Wb/(m^2)。10000 高斯 = 1 特斯拉,1 特斯拉 = 1000 毫特斯拉 = 1000000 微特斯拉所以10 高斯 = 1毫特斯拉 。
88-year-old Gao Siji lives in Hangzhou,Zhejiang Province.She often goes to seafood stores to pick up fish bones (骨头).In her eyes,they are not waste (废物),(1) A great things for making works of art.And she is (2) C for her fish-bone pictures.Lots of peopl...
Over the past 30 7 , Gao has made more than 100 works of art. How talented she is! Gao's fish-bone pictures are a good example to make us 8 that there is no such thing as waste. There are only resources(资源)in the 9 place. Gao also 10 people in need. She gave the money ...
88-year-old Gao Siji lives in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province. She often goes to seafood stores to pick up fish bones (骨头). In her eyes, they are not waste (废物), 1 great things for making works of art. And she is 2 for her fish-bone pictures. Lots of people love them. You may...
家电和工业设备的电磁场辐射等级。 物超所值、携带方便,并可准确量测低至 50Hz/60Hz电磁场辐射的不同频宽。 可同时显示微泰斯拉及毫高斯二种单位。 具有资料锁定、峰值锁定功能、计算机联机功能 (1391/1392)、资料记录功能(1392)。 设计符合CE。 规格TES-1390/1391/1392 ...
完形填空88-year-old Gao Siji lives in Hangzhou,Zhejiang Province. She often goes to seafood storesto pick up fish bones(骨头). In her eyes, they arenot waste(废物),_36_ great things for makingworks of art. And she is _37 for her fish-bonepictures. Lots of people love-them.You may...