One of the market leading gamma probe system manufacturers, famous for the C-Trak Galaxy and C-Trak Auto Analyser. Care Wise industry standard gamma probe systems are suitable for all applications, especially their use for sentinel node biopsies. Find ou
REDUCING TECHNOLOGISTS EXPOSURE TO RADIOACTIVITY USING THE A.L.A.R.A. PRINCIPLE IN NUCLEAR MEDICINE Improvements in nuclear medicine in the last 15 years have seen the widespread introduction of new techniques and imaging capabilities, and consequently, manufacturers from the USA, Europe, Japan and ...
Our group has previously investigated a hand-held gamma-camera system and successfully characterized its performance in 177Lu measurement [11]. Compared to conventional probe detectors, the small gamma-camera has advantages of providing both spectrometric and spatial information. A portable imaging system...
The following day (Day 3), conditioned media was aspirated from cells for determination of Aβ1-x levels by ELISA [65], and cells were lysed for determination of Notch signaling by luciferase reporter gene activity (Promega, Madison, Wisconsin, USA) per manufacturers protocol. Analysis of APP...
Signal intensities represent the abundance of RNA transcripts. Genes (probe sets) showing greater than twofold change in value and with aP<0.001 with respect to ‘Present’ or ‘Absent’ flags were chosen as changed genes. Genes whose expression was regulated more than twofold are described in...
(C10427, Thermo Fisher Scientific, USA). Both assays were performed according to the manufacturers’ protocols with one modification in the caspase induction assay: the use of CellEventTMCaspase-3/7 Green Detection Reagent was only for the detection of caspase 3/7 activation. The general ...