GMLStart animation of unique instance's sprite I have a Spawner Object that spawns Enemies Objects at different interval. Once the Enemies Objects reaches a certain point in the room, I want their sprite animation to start. However, once one Enemies Object reaches that point, all of my Enemie...
创建一个脚本,命名为animation_init: //初始化绘制及动画会用到的变量//绘制用sprite=sprite_index;frame=0;xPos=x;yPos=y;xScale=1;yScale=1;angle=0;color=c_white;alpha=1;//动画用frameSpeed=1;facing=1; 通过将sprite变量设置为sprite_index,它将使用该对象设置的精灵图。现在,我们再创建一些我们稍后...
在sprite上的Cocos2d动画和检测他的联系 我知道如何检测屏幕上所有精灵的接触。我也知道如何在精灵上永远运行动画。但是当你把动画的代码放在一起的时候,你实际上并没有把精灵作为一个子元素来添加,而只是添加了精灵元素,那么精灵元素就是精灵元素的子元素了。//here animation action perform on fireBall 在这种情...
使用我们刚刚初始化的新枚举和嵌套的switch语句可以轻松实现这一点。打开animation_control脚本,让我们更改states.attack以包含新的精灵图。 case states.attack: switch(currentAttack){ case attacks.right: sprite = sprPlayer_Attack; break; case attacks.left: sprite = sprPlayer_Attack_2; break; case attacks...
将K=1作为“播放攻击动作”的条件,实现方法有两个,一个是在所有K=1的代码之后加上更换sprite_index(或image_index,具体看你的图片素材整理方式)的代码,另一种是在步循环的特定位置(如end step或draw begin等)检测是否存在K=1且当前动画不是攻击动画,并进行更换动作。两种方法各有利弊,请根据工程其他部分的情况...
Alternatively, you can drag the sprite asset from the Asset Browser and drop it into the “Sprite” field: The “Frame” field is the sub-image to switch to, and we're keeping it at 0 so the sprite animation starts from the beginning. In-Air State The jump animation will now play wh...
//animation control switch currentState { case states.normal: sprite = sprEnemy_Idle; break; case states.hit: sprite = sprEnemy_Hurt; break; } //reset frame to 0 if sprite changes if(lastSprite != sprite){ lastSprite = sprite;
GameMaker: Studio 学习笔记(一)Sprite Editor 第一个接触的游戏引擎,能找到的中文资料不多,整一下一些遇到的问题和解决方法吧 安装&基础操作 直接贴链接吧,也没什么好废话的
You'll notice that the sprPlayer_Jump sprite is three frames. However, we don't actually want to animate this sprite. We want to display each frame depending on the current state of the players jump: rise, peak, and fall. Open up your animation_control script and add the following to ...
//存储当前的动画精灵,以便我们稍后检查 currentAnim = animSprite; switch ( state ) { case normal: //如果玩家向左或向右,则改为跑步精灵 if ( left || right ) { animation_set ( frameDataRun, runSprite ); //如果玩家没有按任何按钮,则更改为空闲精灵 } else { animation_set ( frameDataIdle,...