1INSERTINTOActivity (player_id, event_date)2VALUES3(1,'2018-01-01') ;45INSERTINTOActivity (player_id, event_date)6VALUES7(1,'2018-01-02') ;89INSERTINTOActivity (player_id, event_date)10VALUES11(2,'2018-01-01') ;1213INSERTINTOActivity (player_id, event_date)14VALUES15(2,'2019-03...
第二步:a表与每个用户的不同登陆时间join,得到每个用户首次登陆后,后续登陆的时间。(datediff为1的为我们要的) 第三步:case when time1=1取出我们要的来计数;全体用户在我们取首次登陆时间的a就已经取出来了。 select round(sum(case when time1=1 then 1 else 0 end)/count(distinct player_id),2) as...
0511 Game Play Analysis I 80.8% Easy 0512 Game Play Analysis II 55.5% Easy 0513 Find Bottom Left Tree Value Go 61.5% Medium 0514 Freedom Trail 43.0% Hard 0515 Find Largest Value in Each Tree Row Go 61.1% Medium 0516 Longest Palindromic Subsequence 53.2% Medium 0517 Super Washing ...
题库 注册或登录 Plus会员 测试用例 测试结果 测试结果 智能模式 Case 1 [object Object] 该题目是 Plus 会员专享题 感谢使用力扣!您需要升级为 Plus 会员来解锁该题目 升级Plus 会员
方法一:聚合函数+ 分组 SELECTROUND(COUNT(DISTINCTb.player_id)/COUNT(DISTINCTa.player_id),2)ASfractionFROMActivityASaLEFTJOIN(SELECTplayer_id,MIN(event_date)ASfirst_loginFROMActivityGROUPBYplayer_id)ASbONa.player_id=b.player_idANDDATEDIFF(a.event_date,b.first_login)=1 ...
Table: Activity 二、题目信息 查询每个用户首次登陆的日期所使用的设备。 Write a SQL query that reports thedevicethat is first logged in for each player. The query result format is in the following example: 查询结果 三、SQL 语句 3.1 联结 ...
LeetCode Solutions: A Record of My Problem Solving Journey.( leetcode题解,记录自己的leetcode解题之路。) 235 soimort/you-get Python 55.01k :arrow_double_down: Dumb downloader that scrapes the web 236 Solido/awesome-flutter Dart 54.849k An awesome list that curates the best Flutter li...
GeometricTools 👍 A collection of source code for computing in the fields of mathematics, geometry, graphics, image analysis and physics. glm OpenGL Mathematics (GLM) https://glm.g-truc.net CGAL geometric algorithms in the form of a C++ library. GEOS Geometry Engine klein 👍 P(R*_{3,...
Return True if and only if Alice wins the game, assuming both players play optimally. Example:Input: nums = [1, 1, 2]Output: falseExplanation:Alice has two choices: erase 1 or erase 2.If she erases 1, the nums array becomes [1, 2]. The bitwise XOR of all the elements of the ch...
If player P removes the number Y from S, the result chalkboard S' will have X' = XOR(S') = X xor Y, where X'[b] = 1. So S' != 0. The explanation come from https://leetcode.com/problems/chalkboard-xor-game/discuss/165396/Detailed-math-explanation-Easy-to-understand ...