Early G-CSF signaling events in myeloid cells involves activation of STATs, proteins that serve the dual function of signal transduction and activation of transcription, especially the activation of Stat3. A dominant-negative mutant construct of Stat3 inhibited G-CSF-mediated neutrophilic differentiation ...
在G-CSF动员后的T细胞中SOCS1的基因编码区附近,STAT3的结合重构染色质环,促使SOCS1启动子区域与上游的增强子区域互作加强,而由CTCF介导的SOCS1启动子区域与下游的异染色质区域互作水平降低,从而上调了SOSC1的表达水平(图2B)。 图2. G-CSF通过STAT3介导的染色质环重构上调T细胞SOCS1表达水平 进一步,为了验证SOCS1在...
此外,Western Blot检测显示,TAK-242 + G-CSF处理也与STAT3通路的激活和抗凋亡BCL2表达增加有关。 作者还在该模型中评估了G-CSF±TAK-242处理是否能调节肝细胞增殖。注射GalN的CCl4处理的动物显示出高水平的增殖肝细胞[Ki67: CCl4 0...
Early G-CSF signaling events in myeloid cells involves activation of STATs, proteins that serve the dual function of signal transduction and activation of transcription, especially the activation of Stat3. A dominant-negative mutant construct of Stat3 inhibited G-CSF-mediated neutrophilic differentiation ...
Moreover, we find that G-CSF activation of Stat3 binding to DNA is biphasic, peaking at 15-30 min and again at 6-8 h; both peaks are inhibited by IL-3. Transformation of 32Dcl3 cells by the v-abl oncogene leads to constitutive Stat3 activation and distinctive Stat-DNA-binding patterns...
transgenic mice with a targeted mutation of the G-CSF receptor that abolishes G-CSF–dependent Stat3 activation show severe neutropenia, with an accumulation of immature myeloid precursors in the bone marrow ; constitutively active Stat3 partially rescues this neutropenia. Stat3 is then thought to tran...
STAT3 has been described as an essential component of G-CSF-driven cell proliferation and granulopoiesis. This notion was tested by conditional gene ablati... Chien-kuo Lee and Regina Raz and Ramon Gimeno and Rachel Gertner and Birte Wistinghausen and Kenichi Takeshita and Ronald A. DePinho and...
32.如权利要求25-29中任一项所述的方法,其中在施用该药物组合物后,该受试者表现出白细胞中STAT3活化的减少。 33.一种结合粒细胞集落刺激因子(G-CSF)的分离的或纯化的抗体或其抗原结合片段,该抗体或其抗原结合片段包含如SEQ ID NO:24、SEQ ID NO:27、SEQ ID NO:28、SEQ ID NO:29或SEQ ID NO:30所示...