A point system where 0 points were given for each test for normal or recommended values ± 10%. In relation to this reference value, 1 or − 1 is given for values 10–30% from 0-level and 2 or − 2 for values more than 30% from 0-level. For Weight accepted cut-...
The reported improvements in grip strength of 1.3 to 1.5 kg fall well short of this range. To our knowledge, there is no reported MCID for the chair sit and reach test, an indicator of lower body flexibility. However, normative values for adults aged 60 + years are − 1.75 cm...
Table 2 Comparison of pulmonary function sitting and supine in different body tape in men 例数 FVC(L) 坐位 仰卧位 FEV 1 (L) 坐位 仰卧位 FEV 1 / FVC 坐位 仰卧位 正常84 4. 77 ±0. 66 4. 43 ±0. 60 4. 10 ±0. 52 3. 66 ±0. 46 85. 80 ±6. 51 82. 70 ±6. 80 肥胖...
Based on actual measured values using one-leg standing time, timed up-and-go test, and five times sit-to-stand test, we found that balance function and muscle strength were not worse in school-aged children who were born LGA at term than in those born AGA. In overweight children, decreas...
All tests were performed in a low-stimulus room (i.e. well-tempered with no noises, bright lights or interruption), sitting in a relaxed position on a comfortable chair. Pain-Related evoked potentials (PREP) PREP are event-related cortical potentials after painful cutaneous electric stimuli (PC...
Logarithmic formulae based on sitting height provided a good fit for values for children (less than 25 years). Compared to other populations the sitting height-standing height ratio was low for this population, (0.48 vs 0.52) reflecting their relatively long limbs and shorter thoracic height. ...
to complete)7. For either technique, measurements can be affected by age, the rate and pattern of distention, patient position and biomechanical and structural properties of the rectum7,140,141; hence, it is essential for results to be interpreted in the context of appropriate normative values....
Age- and gender specific z-scores for body mass index, and waist and hip circumferences, are determined according to reference values.53,54 Physical maturity status is evaluated based on growth in height and sitting height. Basic CV examination Basic CV assessment includes a 12-lead resting ...
Standardization documents still need improvement, especially on normative values. Also, the comparison between different devices requires further study. In the absence of this data, the ERS Task Force recommends that reference values should be derived from the most similar to the device in use100. ...
The patient is placed in sitting position in an armchair and is asked to stand up without the use of the arms, to walk at a comfortable and safe speed up to a line placed at 3 m from the chair, to turn back to the chair, and sit down again. The TUG has shown to be a ...