Prediction equations were calculated for each lung function variable with sitting and standing separately. Comparison of the results in our study with those reported from other ethnic groups indicate that Bangladeshi values are lower than those of Europeans, Jordanians or Chinese but not significantly ...
The reported improvements in grip strength of 1.3 to 1.5 kg fall well short of this range. To our knowledge, there is no reported MCID for the chair sit and reach test, an indicator of lower body flexibility. However, normative values for adults aged 60 + years are − 1.75 cm...
Based on actual measured values using one-leg standing time, timed up-and-go test, and five times sit-to-stand test, we found that balance function and muscle strength were not worse in school-aged children who were born LGA at term than in those born AGA. In overweight children, decreas...
All tests were performed in a low-stimulus room (i.e. well-tempered with no noises, bright lights or interruption), sitting in a relaxed position on a comfortable chair. Pain-Related evoked potentials (PREP) PREP are event-related cortical potentials after painful cutaneous electric stimuli (PC...
a gauge associated with a pneumotachograph and a gauge that was associated with a spirometry system. The assessment protocol varied but most studies performed measurements with the participants in a sitting position whilst using a nose clip. Whilst most studies measured MIP at residual volume and ME...
Working memory has been hypothesized to help children keep multiple pieces of information in mind for a multi-step problem (e.g., carrying values over in arithmetic operations), inhibition to suppress more practiced but inappropriate strategies (e.g., using addition when multiplication is called fo...
are all valid and reliable measures with normative values available for patients with either KOA or of this age group. The PTs received formal instruction in the consistent application of the special tests and in the documentation of their findings to reduce reporting error and improve consistency ...
to complete)7. For either technique, measurements can be affected by age, the rate and pattern of distention, patient position and biomechanical and structural properties of the rectum7,140,141; hence, it is essential for results to be interpreted in the context of appropriate normative values....
Standardization documents still need improvement, especially on normative values. Also, the comparison between different devices requires further study. In the absence of this data, the ERS Task Force recommends that reference values should be derived from the most similar to the device in use100. ...
The patient is placed in sitting position in an armchair and is asked to stand up without the use of the arms, to walk at a comfortable and safe speed up to a line placed at 3 m from the chair, to turn back to the chair, and sit down again. The TUG has shown to be a ...