Otherwise, population norms were used to describe low risk levels. Seven functional dimensions were included in the risk profile: fitness, strength in upper extremity, strength in lower extremity, strength in trunk muscles, mobility, balance, and posture. Three non-functional dimensions were also ...
In research, informant report can be used to gain information about the child’s communication profile (i.e., to assay individual abilities) while reducing the burden of the child sitting through a direct assessment (e.g., Hamrick & Tonnsen, 2019; Mattie & Hamrick, 2022; Pierce et al.,...
At the start of the test, the participants were instructed to stand up and sit down as quickly as possible, five times in a row, with their arms crossed over the chest. The total time required for the five repetitions of sitting and standing was recorded in seconds using a stopwatch. ...
For example, a clustered randomized-control study found significant improvements in word recall after physical activity interventions [12]. Excessive SED, namely sitting time, may impact neurogenesis (a critical process for learning and memory) via increased activation of stress systems and impaired ...
The average time spent in standing transition, sitting transition, complete stance, and complete sitting were estimated across all Sit-to-Stand cycles. To compare iSTS results with those of the five-times Sit-to-Stand test, and for consistent comparison between subjects and stages of therapy, ...
Logarithmic formulae based on sitting height provided a good fit for values for children (less than 25 years). Compared to other populations the sitting height-standing height ratio was low for this population, (0.48 vs 0.52) reflecting their relatively long limbs and shorter thoracic height. ...
It uses pressure manometers that also measures MIP and has well-established reference values in different populations (lower limit of normal of 70 cmH2O for males and 60 cmH2O for females147; The maneuver is usually performed in sitting position, but it can be performed in any body position...
test, a participant is instructed to press a left or right keyboard button (e.g. left: “E” key, right: “I” key) on each trial. The specific response requirements are outlined in rules presented at the beginning of each block, which remain present at the top of the computer ...
(SBP and DBP, respectively) were obtained sitting with an automated blood pressure machine and averaged over three measurements (BP-tru BPM 300, VMS MedTech, Coquitlam, Canada). For BMI, height was measured using a Handi-stat set (Perspective Enterprises, Portage, MI) to the nearest 0.1 cm...
The present invention relates to systems and methods for characterizing balance function. In particular, the present invention provides systems and methods for monitoring balance fu