It is performed by recording the amount of time taken (in secs) for the participant to stand up from a chair, walk around a cone placed three metres away and return to sitting on the chair. Left and right grip strength was measured in kg using a hand grip dynamometer, with the elbow...
Standardization documents still need improvement, especially on normative values. Also, the comparison between different devices requires further study. In the absence of this data, the ERS Task Force recommends that reference values should be derived from the most similar to the device in use100. ...
At the start of the test, the participants were instructed to stand up and sit down as quickly as possible, five times in a row, with their arms crossed over the chest. The total time required for the five repetitions of sitting and standing was recorded in seconds using a stopwatch. ...
Age- and gender specific z-scores for body mass index, and waist and hip circumferences, are determined according to reference values.53,54 Physical maturity status is evaluated based on growth in height and sitting height. Basic CV examination Basic CV assessment includes a 12-lead resting ...
Logarithmic formulae based on sitting height provided a good fit for values for children (less than 25 years). Compared to other populations the sitting height-standing height ratio was low for this population, (0.48 vs 0.52) reflecting their relatively long limbs and shorter thoracic height. ...
The IPAQ-Short Form is a patient-reported outcome measurement used to measure physical activity over the past week in four different intensity levels, including 1) vigorous activities, 2) moderate activities, 3) walking, and 4) sitting. Higher values equal higher levels of physical activity. EQ...
Physical performance test to assess trainability The TUG was used to assess physical performance.9 The TUG involves rising from a chair, walking 3 meters, turning around, walking back to the chair, and sitting down. Participants were instructed to complete the task at their usual walking pace...
This protocol describes a randomised controlled trial comparing the effectiveness of menopausal hormone therapy (MHT) and exercise therapy in reducing pain and dysfunction associated with GTPS in post-menopausal women. Method One hundred and sixteen post-menopausal women will be recruited and randomised ...
We used the Timed Up and Go (TUG) test since is considered an easy, cheap, fast and valid tool providing valuable predictive information to identify patients at a risk of falls25. The patient is placed in sitting position in an armchair and is asked to stand up without the use of the ...
partially driven by the wide age-range of our participants. When we exclude age as a covariate from the model, the environmental correlation effect becomes negative, thus mirroring the direction of the genetic correlation. While there is no procedure to test for interactions or modification in ...