A second prominent form of pan-genome representation is a variation graph, obtained by augmenting a linear reference genome with known variation in the population. We distinguish acyclic variation graphs and general variation graphs. Some tools support only acyclic variation graphs [14,15,16,17,18,...
Cabbage Fusarium wilt (CFW) is a devastating disease caused by the soil-borne fungus Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. conglutinans (Foc). One of the optimal measures for managing CFW is the employment of tolerant/resistant cabbage varieties. However, the interp
Structure of the dimeric N-glycosylated form of fungal β-N-acetylhexosaminidase revealed by computer modeling, vibrational spectroscopy, and biochemical studies Rüdiger Ettrich, Vladimír Kopecký Jr, Kateřina Hofbauerová, Vladimír Baumruk, Petr Novák, Petr Pompach, Petr Man, Ondřej...
Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) are an abundant form of genetic variation in the genome of every species and are useful for gene mapping and association studies. Of particular interest are non-synonymous SNPs, which may alter protein function and phenotype. We therefore examined bovine expresse...
The residuall-cysteine concentrations in the mutant and wild type strains after 2 h of incubation Full size image Effect of the interruption ofggtandpepTon GSH degradation Previous studies have indicated that GSH is significantly degraded close to the end of the fermentation process, resulting in ...
While BMP signaling plays a central role in instructing pluripotent cells to form epidermis, it is the other branch of the TGF-beta that directs mesendodermal fates. Members of the Activin/ Nodal/Vg1/GDF1/TGF-beta subfamily act via pSmad2/3 to activate mesodermal and endodermal target ge...
However, ‘jinba’ exactly is a kind of cutting-chrysanthemum which is difficult to mass-produce in winter with normal form. And now, the data available on the molecular basis of chrysanthemum response to cold stress is not limited any longer with the development of high-throughput sequencing. ...
Microbiome alterations have been associated with depression, and fecal transfer of depressed patients’ microbiomes is sufficient to enhance despair behaviors in rodents. Yet little is known about the potential mechanisms, whereby microbes modulate depre
During male meiosis, the Y chromosome can form perfect pairing with the X chromosome. However, it is unclear whether mammalian Female germline stem cells (FGSCs) without a Y chromosome can transdifferentiate into functional haploid spermatid-like cells (
The constrained TED provides a metric that identifies the number of edits that must be performed on a given modelAin order for it to topologically match a second modelB. These edits take the form of node insertions and deletions. This method has been proposed as a technique for quantifying th...