It is evident from the table that the mobility shift (given as ∆R/Rf ± cnf ) obtained in the ACE analysis due to the metal ion–BSA interactions was comparable to the percent change in the α-helical structure of the protein as determined by FT-IR analysis. In both the techniques,...
As can be seen from Figures 2–4, and from Tables 1 and 2, the prediction of the DFT calculations for the vibrational wavenumbers are in good agreement with the experimental values and allow for a complete assignment of the vibrational modes, with almost one-to-one peak correspondence, ...
The spectra were further analyzed in terms of convoluted peak functions to determine the basic vibrational modes that contribute to the FT-IR signal by using a best-fit peak fitting routine of Origin software (Version 9.0, OriginLab Corporation, Northampton, MA, USA), based on the Levenberg-Mar...
Two models, one based on spectral peak intensity at 1406 cm´1 and the other on the ratio of the peak intensity against intensity at a neutral band, were developed for evaluating metanil yellow concentration in turmeric powder. The first model evaluated the intensity of the metanil yellow ...