Tried but, no success (RTX Remix Version v1.9.3 / Mod v0.80): Installation (steam version): \steamapps\common\Portal Prelude RTX\bin\.trex\ The dlssg_to_fsr3.log file was created, so the mod is recognized. Forced rtx.dlfg.enable = True in rtx.conf file of the main directory, bu...
2. 导航至 `Portal/Extras/Overlay` 文件夹 3. 将 `EOSOverlayRenderer-Win32-Shipping.exe` 和 `EOSOverlayRenderer-Win64-Shipping.exe` 重命名为其他名称,例如 `disabled-EOSOverlayRenderer.exe` ## 如何启用假GPU或AMD Unreal Engine 工作模式绕行 1. 找到正确的配置文件条目(default-fsr2fsr3.config.toml...
《传送门》RTX版(Portal With RTX)《潜行者2:切尔诺贝利之心》(S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2:Heart of Chernobyl)《炼狱神罚》(Scathe)《仙剑奇侠传七》(Sword and Fairy 7) 《重生边缘》(SYNCED)《指环王:咕噜》(The Lord of the Rings: Gollum )《巫师3:狂猎》(The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt)《王权与自由》(...
Portal RTX14.03.20240.110nvngx.dll✅✅Click Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apartv1.9220.50-0.90DLSSTweaks ini method✅✅Click Remnant 2400,3130.80nvngx.dll method✅❓ ReturnalApril 25th Patch (11083317)0.122universal, version.dll✅❓ RoboCop - Rogue CityPtach #030.80nvngx.dll method✅❓ ...
AMD Radeon 9070 XT Rumored to Outpace RTX 5070 Ti by Almost 15% (299) AMD is Taking Time with Radeon RX 9000 to Optimize Software and FSR 4 (256) Edward Snowden Lashes Out at NVIDIA Over GeForce RTX 50 Pricing And Value (241) AMD Denies Radeon RX 9070 XT $899 USD Starting Pric... aufkrawall2, Oct 5, 2023 #1591 Kamil950 likes this. Undying Ancient Guru Messages: 30,611 Likes Received: 18,494 GPU: Nitro+ RX 9070 XT Horus-Anhur said: ↑ On the plus side for...
Portal, FSR on. Cyberpunk 2077 to a 4K TV, FSR off. FSR on. As excited as I am for this kind of tech on Steam Deck, I have to wonder if it’ll be even more useful on a Nintendo Switch. Partially because I’ve found Nvidia’s DLSS is vastly superior to AMD’s FSR, so I’...
长春众游电脑3月前推荐电脑,AMD高帧方案 7500F+RTX4060TI超频方案,CPU全核稳超5.3G,性能好于13600KF默认频率,A-Die颗粒可以帮精调内存小参降低内存时序,有效提升1%LOW帧,降低内存延时,提升整局帧数流畅性,咱家包CPU体质,包超频测试稳定发货。#电脑 #海景房主机 00:00 / 05:22 连播 清屏 智能 倍速 点赞9 ...
#接福接财接好运 。愿2025一顺百顺,好运连连!身体健康!万事如意! #接福接财接好运 。愿2025一顺百顺,好运连连!身体健康!万事如意! 69 #海滩景色美如画 。美丽的海边,留下美好回忆! #海滩景色美如画 。美丽的海边,留下美好回忆! 61 #城市夜晚霓虹灯璀璨 。站的高,看的远 #城市夜晚霓虹灯璀璨 。站的高,看...
CP 2077 with overdrive is surprisely playble on RTX 3060 with this mod (1440p, DLSS Perfomance). Thank youNukem9! Edit: Overlay is on folder\Program Files (x86)\Epic Games\Launcher\Portal\Extras\Overlay. I just deleted all the contents of this folder ...