Tried but, no success (RTX Remix Version v1.9.3 / Mod v0.80): Installation (steam version): \steamapps\common\Portal Prelude RTX\bin\.trex\ The dlssg_to_fsr3.log file was created, so the mod is recognized. Forced rtx.dlfg.enable = True in rtx.conf file of the main directory, bu...
apro:DXR光追有用,rtx无用;然后dxr是通用标准,rtx是n卡实现标准的手段,皮衣当年为dxr标准的制定提供了各项参考;a卡玩fsr前:apro:dlss降画质,垃圾,无用!光追on/off区别如此明显,找不出不同,dlss on/off区别几乎没有,马上写轮眼,找了一堆,双标666!a卡玩fsr后:apro:AI缩放技术真好啊,性能免费白piao啊!然后...
Portal fans, stay tuned—the Portal: Prelude RTX mod will be streaming on GeForce NOW to members soon. Plus, find out how members can score an upcoming Guild Wars 2 premium reward. Get 'Em While They're Hot! Choose from over 1,600 games in the GeForce NOW library, starting off with ...