NVIDIA官方宣布,《Portal RTX》将于美国时间12月8日正式发售。它基于Valve经典游戏《Portal》重制而来,RTX 40系列发布之时被作为DLSS 3技术的宣传重点,同时也支持DLSS 2、光线追踪,并针对4K做了优化。NVIDIA推荐玩家至少使用RTX 3080并开启DLSS 2,才能获得1080p高画质、60FPS的流畅体验,同时显存不少于8GB、处理...
Before playing Portal with RTX, please ensure your system matches or exceeds the requirements for CPU and RAM, for the best possible experience:The Best Responsiveness With NVIDIA Reflex As NVIDIA DLSS revolutionized scaling and performance, NVIDIA Reflex has revolutionized low latency gaming, giving ...
NVIDIA官方宣布,《PortalRTX》将于美国时间12月8日正式发售。它基于Valve经典游戏《Portal》重制而来,RTX40系列发布之时被作为DLSS3技术的宣传重点,同时也支持DLSS 2、光线追踪,并针对4K做了优化。NVIDIA推荐玩家至少使用RTX3080并开启DLSS 2,才能获得1080p高画质、60FPS的流畅体验,同时显存不少于8GB、...
Portal with RTXis out now.Portalremains a timeless classic, with gameplay as fresh, engaging and exciting as it was back in 2007. Relive the critically acclaimed and award-winningPortalreimagined with ray tracing, the groundbreaking AI-accelerated performance of NVIDIA DLSS 3, and the best respons...
光追就是老黄搞出来堂吉柯德大战风车,在售的rtx3080也只有1fps,竟然有人先嘲笑6950 ...有点好奇...
数个月前,英伟达官方放出了一款名为portal with RTX的重制游戏,使用remix对初代《传送门》进行了路径追踪的重制,包括全套材质/模型/纹理更新,以及基于path tracing路径追踪方案的光照渲染,即场景每一个像素都由光源发射的光线“点亮”,没有任何pre baker烘焙(2077 overdrive也采用此方案),这也是继《雷神之锤》初代...
adding the RTX setting to the game, which makes it look splendid. It's a pity that another game was not released, but as far as I know Valve is, I certainly don't think that another game with such a great reputation will appear in front of us. A very difficult game to play, but...
《Portal RTX》发售时间官宣:RTX 4080才能跑4K60FPS NVIDIA官方宣布,《Portal RTX》将于美国时间12月8日正式发售。 它基于Valve经典游戏《Portal》重制而来,RTX 40系列发布之时被作为DLSS 3技术的宣传重点,同时也支持DLSS 2、光线追踪,并针对4K做了优化。
TIA Portal LDBB_FIFO 内存.位移 先进先出 存取任意长度结构体数据, 视频播放量 638、弹幕量 0、点赞数 11、投硬币枚数 1、收藏人数 19、转发人数 1, 视频作者 博途兵法, 作者简介 把博途研究到极致,变成兵法兵书。流芳百世。 (ಡωಡ),相关视频:博途 堆栈 先进先出
AMD or Nvidia Model NumberRTX4080 Founders Edition Enter RAM memory size in GB64Gb G.Skill Are you using any software with an overlay?No Which part of the game is the issue happening in?Game Menu In which game menu were you when the bug occurred?Portal ...