业务需求,用frp做内网穿透,设置好了,ssl证书也部署好了,https也可以访问了。这样过了两周,今天突然不好用了,服务器上看看,服务都还在,进程没死,log提示如下: 2019/09/18 16:03:56 [I] [proxy.go:84] [c53886a12519bf6d] [web_https] get a new work connection: [] 2019/09/18...
2023/05/14 19:55:03 [D] [control.go:317] [18e05a801e851126] receive heartbeat from server 2023/05/14 19:55:03 [W] [control.go:170] [18e05a801e851126] [cliente2] start error: router config conflict 2023/05/14 19:55:33 [D] [control.go:286] [18e05a801e851126] send heartbeat...
在frps服务器端看到如下错误,从外网不能做内网穿透 2018/09/17 18:38:58 [W] [control.go:332] [7494f02f46fa1431] new proxy [admin.LEDE] error: router config conflict 2018/09/17 18:38:58 [W] [control.go:332] [7494f02f46fa1431] new proxy [admin.ikuai] error: router config conflict...
v0.27.0 Proxy Protocol support plugin unix_domain_socket. frpssupport custom 404 page. v0.26.0 New Support Proxy Protocol. New pluginhttps2http. Fix Fix router config conflict whenfrpcstart by command line mode.#1165 v0.25.3 Fix Fix panic error when reconnection with tls_enable is true....
4.20分钟后重启FRPC提示:[git_web] start error: router config conflict Describe the results you received: [git_web] start error: router config conflict Describe the results you expected: 期望能正常打开frpc,或frpc能成功自动重连 Additional information you deem important (e.g. issue happens only occas...
Bug Description 正常启动frp的客户端和服务端以后,穿透可以正常使用,但是使用一段时间(有时候几天,有时候几分钟)穿透就失败嘞,通过查看日志发现,是客户端会频繁(几分钟)的去login服务端,然后突然有一次就报 端口或者router冲突。 frpc Version 0.38.0 frps Versi
Fix router config conflict when frpc start by command line mode. #1165 v0.25.3 [2019/03/26] Fix panic error when reconnection with tls_enable is true. v0.25.2 [2019/03/25] Change Update version of kcp-go. Fix connection leak of http health check. #1155 ...
New Support Proxy Protocol. New plugin https2http. Fix Fix router config conflict when frpc start by command line mode. #1165 Assets 15 v0.25.3 a8ab4c5 Compare v0.25.3 fatedier released this Mar 26, 2019 · 204 commits to master since this release Fix Fix panic error when reconn...
frp设置https,昨天还好好的,今天突然提示router config conflict? CharlesZ 0113 发布于 2019-09-18 新手上路,请多包涵 业务需求,用frp做内网穿透,设置好了,ssl证书也部署好了,https也可以访问了。这样过了两周,今天突然不好用了,服务器上看看,服务都还在,进程没死,log提示如下: 2019/09/18 16:03:56 [I]...