使用的是 frp_0.25.1版本, 服务器和客户端均在64位Linux系统中运行 服务器端启动了服务后,在客户端中启动服务时,报出 [root@snowdream frp_0.25.1_linux_amd64]# ./frpc -c frpc.ini dial tcp connect: no route to host 从客户端可以ping通服务端:
Frpc报错 dial tcp connect: no route to host Frps是阿里云,但所有端口都打开了,
如果端口不放行后面会报无法连接错误: connect: no route to host 云端配置文件frp.toml bindPort = 7000 # frp服务的特定端口,防火墙也需放开该端口 # 服务面板可查看frp服务状态信息 webServer.addr = "" # 后台管理地址,默认是127.0.0.1,如果是公网访问则改成0.0.0.0 webServer.port = 7500 ...
webServer.user ="admin"webServer.password ="admin"#日志配置log.to ="/app/frp/logs/frpc.log"log.level ="info"log.maxDays = 3#token权限验证,需与服务端配置一致auth.method ="token"auth.token ="123456"#代理配置,这里使用引用文件的方式includes = ["./conf.d/*.toml"]#保存以上配置,然后添加...
transport.connectServerLocalIP=""#ifyou want to connect frps by http proxy or socks5 proxy or ntlm proxy, you can set proxyURL here oringlobal environment variables # it only works when protocol is tcp # transport.proxyURL="http://user:passwd@"# transport.proxyURL...
multiplexer = "httpconnect"localIP = ""localPort = 10701customDomains = ["tunnel1"]# routeByHTTPUser = "user1"[[proxies]]name = "plugin_unix_domain_socket"type = "tcp"remotePort = 6003# if plugin is defined, local_ip and local_port is useless# plugin will handle connections...
max_retries_an_hour = 8 min_retry_interval = 90 # fallback_to = stcp_visitor # fallback_timeout_ms = 500 [tcpmuxhttpconnect] type = tcpmux multiplexer = httpconnect local_ip = local_port = 10701 custom_domains = tunnel1 # route_by_http_user = user1 深圳...
# A literal address or host name for IPv6 must be enclosed # in square brackets, as in "[::1]:80", "[ipv6-host]:http" or "[ipv6-host%zone]:80" # For single "bind_addr" field, no need square brackets, like "bind_addr = ::". ...
# The maximum amount of time a dial to server will wait for a connect to complete. Default value is 10 seconds. # transport.dialServerTimeout = 10 # dialServerKeepalive specifies the interval between keep-alive probes for an active network connection between frpc and frps. ...
# HTTP CONNECT requests. By default, this value is 0. # httpconnect_ port指定服务器侦听TCP的端口 # tcpmux_httpconnect_port = 1337 # If tcpmux_passthrough is true, frps won't do any update on traffic. # 如果tcpmux_passthrough为true,则FRP不会对流量进行任何更新。