针对您遇到的“frp connect to server error: session shutdown”问题,以下是一些详细的排查步骤和可能的解决方案: 1. 检查frp客户端和服务器端的日志 步骤:查看frp客户端和服务器端的日志文件,通常这些文件会记录详细的错误信息。 日志文件位置:日志文件的位置通常在frp的配置文件中指定,或者可以在frp的安装目录下...
<协议>使用wss获得以下错误输出 2024-09-06 16:37:11.437 [I] [client/service.go:295] try to connect to server... 2024-09-06 16:37:11.617 [W] [client/service.go:298] connect to server error: unexpected EOF login to the server failed: unexpected EOF. With loginFailExit enabled, no add...
Oct 23 09:07:02 appser3 frpc[1039]: 2024-10-23 09:07:02.386 [I] [client/service.go:295] try to connect to server... Oct 23 09:07:02 appser3 frpc[1039]: 2024-10-23 09:07:02.386 [W] [client/service.go:298] connect to server error: dial tcp connect: net...
sudo vim /etc/systemd/system/frps.service [Unit] # 服务名称,可自定义 Description = frp server ...
2021/02/09 14:00:15 �[1;33m[W] [service.go:178] [9c859bc0a9e8e25e] reconnect to server error: dial tcp 222.187.***.***:50310: connect: connection timed out�[0m 2021/02/09 14:00:16 �[1;34m[I] [service.go:175] [9c859bc0a9e8e25e] try to reconnect to server......
2025-01-22 21:25:30.089 [I] [client/service.go:295] try to connect to server... 2025-01-22 21:25:30.089 [I] [client/service.go:174] admin server listen on 2025-01-22 21:25:30.121 [I] [client/service.go:287] [9adf4570a2ac6630] login to server success, get ...
2020/06/02 23:34:39 [W] [service.go:101] login to server failed: dial tcp xx.xx.xx.xxx:7000: connect: connection timed out 1. 2. 这个错误一般要么是防火墙没开放端口、要么公网服务器那边未把指定端口加入安全组! 解决方案: a) 防火墙开放端口 ...
login to server failed:ConnectTcpServer using proxy error, StatusCode [403] 403是forbbiden/refused 解决办法: 1.检查服务器有没有设置代理的环境变量HTTP_PROXY,(在/ etc/profile或者/etc/environment)删除代理环境变量 或者 直接执行 http_proxy="" ./frpc -c frpc_.ini 2.检查代理服务器上(server2)...
2020/09/2210:55:42[W] [service.go:82] login to server failed: dial tcp xx.xx.xx.xx:7000: connect: connection timed out dial tcp xx.xx.xx.xx:7000: connect: connection timed out# 检查阿里云的安全组规则与宝塔的开放端口 更多信息: ...
client_max_body_size 0; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for; proxy_connect_timeout 36000s; proxy_read_timeout 36000s; proxy_send_timeout 36000s; proxy_request_buffering off; send_timeout 36000s; } location /media { root /home/seafile-server-latest/seahub; } ...