Hence daily PrEP will be a more appropriate regimen for them; planning of the first sex on a day is necessary for a timely administration of the pre-exposure dose. To retain all subjects in the analysis, sex on the last day was chosen as the dependent variable over a composite measure of...
Contact Frequency Rules Merging Your Duplicate Contacts Directory Messages Creating & Managing Multiple Directories XM Directory Roles XM Directory Respondent Funnel Using Contact Data as a CX Dashboard Source Importing Blank Values in XM Directory Workflows Tab XM Directory Lite Employee Directory Exte...
Starch is a major agricultural product that is consumed and/or used on a daily basis in the whole world. Its application is not only confined to making foods, but also used as raw materials in industry, such as in oil drilling, mining, and making bio-plastics, paper, and textiles1. Pot...
It is noted that the Z_S is defined as the ratio of the transverse components of the electric and magnetic fields on the S_m. The Fresnel Equations (based on the boundary conditions) for that case is44 \begin{aligned} \left. {\hat{\mathbf {n}}} \times \left( {{\mathbf {E}}}...
Monitoring and preventing coal-rock dynamic disasters are vital for safe mining. To investigate the time–frequency features of induced charge signals with coal damage and failure of roadways, the generation mechanism of free charge in loaded coal is ana
Frequency domain input-output data— Specify as aniddataobject. In the object, you storeU(ω),Y(ω), and frequency vectorω. TheDomainproperty of the object is'Frequency', to specify that the object contains frequency-domain signals. IfU(ω),Y(ω) are discrete-time Fourier transforms of ...
MME is defined as the mean magnitude distance between the received symbols with respect to the ideal transmitted symbols. The MME is an analogous measure of the error vector magnitude (EVM), but it considers the symbol displacement only in the radial direction in the complex plane. It isolates...
The surface impedance is defined as the ratio of electric to magnetic fields near a surface. Hence, the perfectly electric conducting (PEC) and perfectly magnetic conducting (PMC) surfaces are physically zero-impedance and high-impedance surfaces, respectively. We can design a metasurface by forming...
Please note, an "instance" is in fact a*.shconfig file; using a single machine with a single installation, you can run as many instances as*.shfiles you have (limited by the available free RAM). You can list the current running instances withmake list. ...
Scheme A is a clock gating method, which disables portions of circuitry so that flip-flops do not change, preserving thearchitectural states. 2. Scheme B saves the core state and cuts voltage supply, this has the benefit of consuming no power, as opposed to Scheme A which still dissipates...