To communicate this way, simply have the Djinn close to you, and, right before you go to bed, do a 10 or 15 minute meditation on the question you would like the Djinn to answer. Then, go to sleep immediately after. You’ll find that the Djinn will appear in your dreams, in one ...
[4]And, not to be snooty about it, but the world will be so much better off when it realized that its problems have solutions, and listen to CC’s and my answers! [5]This was no big secret to close family members and friends; it was a personal matter. Nor was there any shame b...
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This 30-minute practice promises to “offer deep stretches that help you feel more flexible, energized, while still being able to feel in control and relaxed.” The class begins on your back with several slow stretches like Supine Pigeon, Half Wind Relieving pose, and Supine Spinal Twist. The...
(30 minute read): Learn React Native by coding your own meditation mobile app. React Native is a JavaScript framework that you can use to build native apps that you can then publish in the Apple and Android...
I’d also like to offer 2 free 30-minute spiritual counseling sessions on Skype to a couple people who would like to deepen their connection to Something Greater and become re-inspired in their spiritual life! Lastly, if you are in the San Francisco bay area and would like an inspirational...
This 17-minute feel-good morning practice begins with a lot of interesting and creative standing warm-up movements. The sequence then moves into aSun Salutationand ends with a seated meditation. These continuous flowing movements wake up the energy of the body to prepare for an active and produ...
Moiselfwas gob-smacked; my heart swelled with parental pride ( read: hubris ) as I thought,He’s not yet five years old, yet K knows the difference between rhyme and alliteration! I’m raising a effin’ genius. Before my brain completed the thought, Belle, strapped in her car seat nex...
A reference tool as nearly up-to-the-minute as possible. Includes a long alphabetic index: General Physics; Astrophysics and Geophysics; Condensed Matter Physics; Electromagnetics; High Energy Physics; Mathematical and Theroretical Physics; Quantum Physics and Chemistry; History and Philosophy of ...
This 15-minute yoga routine has only onestanding pose, so this class focuses more on flexibility than strength. While this video is the first day of the proceeding beginner’s yoga 30-day challenge, you do not need to commit to the full challenge. ...