FrameQueue队列分析 FFplay 播放器有两种队列,PacketQueue 跟 FrameQueue。FrameQueue 的数据就是从 PacketQueue 里面解码出来的(会经过滤镜)。 PakceQueue 是用 FifoBuffer 来实现环形队列的,而FrameQu...
数组⽅式的环形缓冲区适合于事先明确了缓冲区的最⼤容量的情形。 2 ffplay中创建了三个frame_queue:⾳频frame_queue,视频frame_queue,字幕frame_queue。每⼀个frame_queue⼀个写端⼀个读端,写端位于解码线程,读端位于播放线程。 问题 1 Frame queue[FRAME_QUEUE_SIZE] 与 max_size 关系?
} //返回要填充的frame_queue中的Frame。 staticFrame*frame_queue_peek_writable(FrameQueue*f) { /* wait until we have space to put a new frame */ SDL_LockMutex(f->mutex); while(f->size >=f->max_size && !f->pktq->abort_request) { SDL_CondWait(f->cond,f->mutex); } SDL_Unlo...
ffplay frame queue分析 ffplay用frame queue保存解码后的数据。 首先定义了一个结构体Frame用于保存一帧视频画面、音频或者字幕: typedefstructFrame{AVFrame*frame;//视频或音频的解码数据AVSubtitlesub;//解码的字幕数据intserial;doublepts;/* presentation timestamp for the frame */doubleduration;/* estimated du...
ffplay的FrameQueue 先简单介绍以下FrameQueue, FrameQueue是一个队列,它是用来存储解码后的数据, 像视频, 就是一帧的YUV或者RGB数据...
FrameQueue is specified now Move the relevant channel-bank parts from L1 retrieval into the channel bank spec 9a198e9 Merging this PR will not cause a version bump for any packages. If these changes should not result in a new version, you're good to go.If these changes should result in...
PlatformPC SDK Versionpyrealsense2- Languagepython Issue Description In my application, I would like to minimize the lag as much as I can : I don't mind losing frames, but when I am ready to get frame, I want to get the most recent frame. ...
The invention provides a frame queue scheduling traffic shaping method and system. The method comprises the following steps: controlling a preset time interval for Ethernet switch chip outlet ends, scheduling the Ethernet switch chip outlet ends in a circular scheduling mode, selecting a current ...
首先明确一下channel的作用:用于go协程间的通信。 go语言最大的特点就是支持高并发:goroutine和channel是支持高并发的重要组成部分。 单纯地将函数并发执行是没有意义的。函数与函数间需要交换数据才能体现并发执行函数的意义。 如果说 goroutine 是Go程序并发的执行体,channel就是它们之间的连接。channel是可以让一个...