网络最大队列帧数 网络释义 1. 最大队列帧数 Unity 脚本类总索引 ... masterTextureLimit 主纹理限制maxQueuedFrames最大队列帧数pixelLightCount 像素光源数 ...|基于5个网页
QualitySettings.maxQueuedFrames public static int maxQueuedFrames ; 描述 图形驱动程序排队的最大帧数。图形驱动程序可以对要渲染的帧进行队列处理。当 CPU 的工作明显少于显卡时,该队列可能会变得相当大。在这种情况下,用户的输入将“落后于”屏幕上的内容。使用QualitySettings.maxQueuedFrames 可限制排队的最大...
Bounds-max.html Bounds-min.html Bounds-size.html Bounds.Bounds.html Bounds.Contains.html Bounds.Encapsulate.html Bounds.Expand.html Bounds.IntersectRay.html Bounds.Intersects.html Bounds.SetMinMax.html Bounds.SqrDistance.html Bounds.ToString.html Bounds.html BoxCollider-cente...
可以使用 QualitySettings.maxQueuedFrames 限制排队的最大帧数。默认值为 2, 可在帧延迟和帧率之间达到最佳平衡。 注意,可以将 maxQueuedFrames 的值设置为 1 来减少输入延迟,因为此时 CPU 将等待显卡完成前一帧的渲染。但这样做有一个缺点 - 可能导致帧率下降。
QualitySettings.maxQueuedFrames public static int maxQueuedFrames ; 描述 图形驱动程序排队的最大帧数。图形驱动程序可以对要渲染的帧进行队列处理。当 CPU 的工作明显少于显卡时,该队列可能会变得相当大。在这种情况下,用户的输入将“落后于”屏幕上的内容。使用QualitySettings.maxQueuedFrames 可限制排队的最大...
public static int maxQueuedFrames ; 説明 グラフィックスドライバによってキューに入れられるフレームの最大数を設定する。 Graphics drivers can queue up frames to be rendered. When CPU has much less work to do than the graphics card, is it possible for this queue to become quite larg...
maxQueuedFrames ; Description Maximum number of frames queued up by graphics driver.Graphics drivers can queue up frames to be rendered. When CPU has much less work to do than the graphics card, is it possible for this queue to become quite large. In those cases, user's input will "...
public static int maxQueuedFrames ; Description Maximum number of frames queued up by graphics driver. Graphics drivers can queue up frames to be rendered. When CPU has much less work to do than the graphics card, is it possible for this queue to become quite large. In those cases, user...
maxQueuedFrames ; Description Maximum number of frames queued up by graphics driver.Graphics drivers can queue up frames to be rendered. When CPU has much less work to do than the graphics card, is it possible for this queue to become quite large. In those cases, user's input will "...
maxQueuedFrames ; Descripción Número máximo de frames en la cola por el controlador de gráficos.Graphics drivers can queue up frames to be rendered. When CPU has much less work to do than the graphics card, is it possible for this queue to become quite large. In those cases, user'...