Forest fires in Ontario: A spatio-temporal perspective. Forest Research Report No. 147. Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources, Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario.Perera, A.H., Baldwin, D.J.B., Schnekenburger, F., Osborne, J.E., Bae, R.E., 1998. Forest fires in Ontario: a spatio-temporal ...
This large collaborative project, funded primarily by the Ontario Forestry Future's Trust, included participation from the Canadian Institute of Forestry, Canadian Forest Service, Canada Centre for Mapping and Earth Observation, Canadian Nuclear Labs, and the Ontario Ministry of Northern Development, ...
1997. Fire disturbance history in virgin forest in northern region of Daxing’anling Mountains. Acta Ecol Sin, 17(4): 337–343 (in Chinese) Google Scholar Yang Yusheng, Li Zhenwen. 1992. The summary about fires having impact on nitrogen cycle in forest ecosystems. Journal of Fujian Forestry...
melanosporum-inoculated seedlings can be successful after forest fires and they confirm the competitiveness of this fungus within the ectomycorrhizal community in these soils. Restoration activities of perturbed areas have relied often on monospecific tree plantations, such as extensive plantation of Pinus...
Forest landscapes worldwide are shaped by abiotic drivers such as fire, windstorms, and drought, but also by biotic drivers like insect pests and pathogens
Adaptation of forest management to climate change requires an understanding of the effects of climate on forests, industries and communities; prediction of how these effects might change over time; and incorporation of this knowledge into management deci
Our study is based on 26 natural forest fires which occurred between 2005 and 2007 within the boreal and Great Lakes-St. Lawrence forests, across three ecoregions (Lake Abitibi, Lake Nipigon and Pigeon River ecoregions) of the Ontario Shield Ecozone covering an area of approximately 246,000 km2...
Lightning-ignited forest fires in northwestern Ontario. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 21:277-287.Flannigan, M. D. and Wotton, B. M.: Lightning-ignited forest fires in northwestern Ontario, Can. J. For. Res., 21(3), 277-287, 1991....
FOREST firesHISTORICAL analysisRESOURCE managementPREDICTION modelsFIRE managementFOREST fire managementAirtankers are commonly used for initial attack (IA) to reduce the likelihood of wildland fires escaping containment efforts. We examined IA airtanker dispatch decisions for forest fires...
Factors that affect the timing of the dispatch of initial attack resources to forest fires in northeastern Ontario, Canadadoi:10.1071/wf18058Ambika PaudelDavid L. MartellDouglas G. WoolfordCSIRO PUBLISHING