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Forest fires in Ontario: A spatio-temporal perspective. Forest Research Report No. 147. Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources, Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario.Perera, A.H., Baldwin, D.J.B., Schnekenburger, F., Osborne, J.E., Bae, R.E., 1998. Forest fires in Ontario: a spatio-temporal ...
In the fire treated plots, FHD exhibited a nearly linear decline as the frequency of fires decreased (Fig. 2g). However, foliar height diversity was greatest in the fire exclusion plots (268 ± 11), which yielded an overall positive correlation (r = 0.6) with fire frequency. ...
It has since evolved to have various subsystems but continues to be the system used to assess the risk of forest fires in Canada today. One of the key components of the CFFDRS is a Tracer Index which was a precursor for the Fine Fuel Moisture Code (FFMC). The FFMC refers to the ...
The supply of timber from a forest will be affected by harvesting activities as well as natural disturbances (insect outbreaks, fires, etc.). These reductions in forested area, growth, and quality will undoubtedly affect the sustained yield from a forest (Runyon, 1991). Although simulation ...
Langley, B.C.—In a business environment where some companies are finding it difficult to obtain Cedar lumber due to union strikes, forest fires, and floods, West Bay Forest Products and Manufacturing Ltd. has managed to turn such difficulties into a strength. "Creating a diverse Cedar supply...
ponderosa) in the western USA. In Europe, the damage to Norway spruce (Picea abies) in the area between the northern Czech Republic, south Poland, and southeast Germany due to sulfur dioxide (SO2) is the most widely known example. In several other cases, air pollution was suspected to be...
[42•] have suggested that most northern forested peatlands (located in eastern Canada, Alaska, Russia and Fennoscandia) will continue acting as C sinks for the foreseeable future, given that precipitation is expected to increase in these areas. In contrast, C sequestration rates in forested ...
The circum-polar boreal forest has played an important role in the wealth of northern nations since the 15th century. Its natural resources spurred strategic geopolitical developments beginning in the 16th century but intense development of the boreal forest is largely limited to the 20th century. In...
(e.g., Hungary); in a similar vein, Sweden points out that it may be able to learn from examples in southern Europe when developing its policy on controlling forest fires. One suggestion is also made to improve the international dimension of policy development by strengthening international ...