FOREST firesHISTORICAL analysisRESOURCE managementPREDICTION modelsFIRE managementFOREST fire managementAirtankers are commonly used for initial attack (IA) to reduce the likelihood of wildland fires escaping containment efforts. We examined IA airtanker dispatch decisions for forest fires...
forest harvesting and burning has been excluded in this area since 1993. The average stand age is 76 years. Prior to this, management records indicate that timber harvesting actions were exclusive to slopes, coves, and bottomlands. In February...
forest harvesting and burning has been excluded in this area since 1993. The average stand age is 76 years. Prior to this, management records indicate that timber harvesting actions were exclusive to slopes, coves, and bottomlands. In February...
Chalk River, Ontario Van Wagner CE (1973) Height of crown scorch in forest fires. Can J Forest Res 3: 373–378 Article Google Scholar Van Wagner CE (1974) The structure of the Canadian Forest Fire Weather Index System. Canadian Forest Service, Petawawa Forest Experiment Station. Chalk ...
I. et al. AVHRR-based mapping of fires in Russia: new products for fire management and carbon cycle studies. Remote Sens. Environ. 93, 546–564 (2004). Article Google Scholar Soja, A. J. et al. Climate-induced boreal forest change: predictions versus current observations. Glob. Planet....
Notably, disturbed forests refer to loss of canopy cover caused by harvests, insect-induced mortality, fires, hurricanes, and soil erosion. Specifically, the LandTrendr algorithm (Kennedy et al., 2010, 2018) was employed for detecting forest disturbances, utilizing input data from the Landsat ...
fires impact more than half a million hectares of forest every year. Although fire is required for the natural seeding of plant species in some (e.g. Mediterranean) ecosystems (Vélez1990), the aggregate consequences of large-scale destruction are overwhelmingly negative: fires devastate the carbon...
Since approaching fires modify the fuel and duff moisture gradually by the preheating effect of the fire fronts, burning pattern Forest management implications Our results show that the extent to which boreal lake watersheds are disturbed by wildfires varies widely over space and time. Similarly, ...
Frequent, low-intensity fires have an overall positive effect on longleaf pine during its various life stages due to numerous adaptations that facilitate fire spread in addition to protective traits, such as a grass-stage morphology, thick bark, and insulated buds (Wilson et al. 2022). However...
In Ontario, for example, the Pulpwood Conservation Act of 1929 required all pulpwood companies to plan their future management on a sustained yield basis. Sustained yield forestry is one of the dominant themes in tropical forest management as well, although the complexity of these forests has ...