Failure to mitigate can weaken the claim of Force Majeure. Examples of Force Majeure Events: The application of Force Majeure is context-dependent. Consider these examples: A hurricane destroys a factory, preventing a company from delivering goods. This is a clear case of ...
treatcertaineventsasforcemajeureeventsandtoavoiddebateoverwhetheraspecificeventmeetstherequirements.Byenumeratingalonglistofvariousevents,adraftsmancannot exhausteverypossibilityandthereforetheapproachisinsufficienttoblocktheloopholeofincompleteness.causesbeyondthereasonablecontroloftheparties”totheendoftheclause.Itfails...
不可抗力事件 is the translation of "force majeure event" into Chinese. Sample translated sentence: The provision, by its own terms, limits Iraq to force majeure events for which it is not itself responsible ↔ 这一条款本身规定的条件对于伊拉克无法负责的不可抗力事件作了限制。 force...
Usually, the force majeure clause will list specific events. However, we often find broad and unambiguous language being used when drafting these clauses as so to capture a wide variety of instances. Most people would rather have the possibility of a force majeure event addressed in their ...
Learningobjectives Afterreadingthischapter,youshouldbeableto explainwaystostipulatetheplaceandtimeofinspectionwithinthecontract understandtheconditionsforbreachofcontractandsettlementofclaims describewaysofstipulatingclaimclausesinasalescontract beawareoftheconsequencesofforcemajeureevents explainwaysto...
Learningobjectives Afterreadingthischapter,youshouldbeableto explainwaystostipulatetheplaceandtimeofinspectionwithinthecontract understandtheconditionsforbreachofcontractandsettlementofclaims describewaysofstipulatingclaimclausesinasalescontract beawareoftheconsequencesofforcemajeureevents explainwaysto...
force majeure 共被编辑0次 编辑版本 贡献人 编辑原因会计今日事 12月 16日 星期一 1986年,中华会计函校成立大会 专题词条 最新词条 最热词条 1人物 2知识点 3单位 4读物 5会计学院 6全国会计类研究生点和导师一览 7会计师事务所 8美国财会职务一览表 任务中心 待创建词条 换一组 唐如尧 《西方会计...
Event of Force Majeuremeans one of the following events: Use of forcemeans: (A) Use of a dangerous instrument; or (B) use of actual physical force or violence or superior physical strength against the victim. Threat of violencemeans an unjustified expression of intention to inflict injury or...
the events include the earthquake, the typhoon, the flood, the fire, the war, plague, epidemic disease (including SARS pneumonia or similar influenza), the people are chaotic, the strike as well as the international business practice acknowledgment is “the force majeure” other events.[translate...
many of their comments to address their concern over the arrangements for adjusting the emission cap and the issue of additional allowances due to “force majeure” events. 關於調 整排放總量上限及因“ 不可抗力” 事故而增批額外排放限額的安 排,我們已接納 他們的多項意見...