T-sql For in loop 变量循环语句 For 变量 in 循环开始的值 .. 循环结束的值(小于该值) Loop --做处理的语句 End Loop 例子: ---循环找出供应商 for i in 0 .. vendor_Total loop-- i 和 vendor_Total 在存储过程头部定义,vendor_Total 在循环之前已经赋值 if i = vendor_Total then str_vendor ...
FOR I IN 0..0 LOOP 至END LOOP。; 是循环包裹语句,从0开始到0结束(表示循环只执行一次),第二句的意思是从文件流fp里读取一行,赋值给变量v_STR.然后在第三行变量v_LINE自增1。这是Oracle中的循环代码块,是非常基础的。for循环,in *...* 从什么到什么。比如你的从0到0,0是满足条件...
--commit; end loop; end;
在SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT)中,打开包含所需包的 Integration Services 项目。 单击“控制流” 选项卡,然后双击 Foreach 循环。 在“Foreach 循环编辑器”对话框中,单击“常规”,并且,根据需要还可以修改 Foreach 循环的名称和说明。 单击“集合”,然后从“枚举器”列表中选择一个枚举器类型。
SQL 过程中的 LOOP 语句 LOOP 语句是特殊类型的循环语句,原因是它没有终止条件子句。它会定义重复执行的一系列语句直到另一块逻辑(通常是控制转移语句)强制控制流跳至循环外部某点。 LOOP 语句通常与下列其中一个语句配合使用:LEAVE、GOTO、ITERATE 或 RETURN。这些语句可强制控制权跳至 SQL 过程中紧跟循环之后的...
int)ScriptResults.Success; } private void GetFilesInFolder(string folderPath) { string[] localFiles; DateTime fileChangeDate; TimeSpan fileAge; int fileAgeInDays; try { localFiles = Directory.GetFiles(folderPath, FILE_FILTER); foreach (string...
In PL/SQL, I can use a FOR IN loop to iterate from 1-20 by saying: FORcounterIN1..20 What I'm wondering is, is there a simple alteration I can make to this that will allow me to iterate through the loop on only the even values between 1-20? i.e. the counter would go 2,...
Query.me - Collaborative data notebooks that execute script-like and allow to fetch and send data via SQL, API, and many custom blocks, like Slack and Email. Free for small Teams. ERD Lab— Free cloud-based entity relationship diagram (ERD) tool made for developers. What The Diff - AI-...
script FIX: Calculatereaction_users_countin the bulk import script (#30964) Feb 13, 2025 spec DEV: Upgrade Sidekiq to v7.3.9 Mar 10, 2025 test DEV: Update chrome-launcher from 0.15.2 to 1.1.0 (#25909) Feb 27, 2024 vendor
int)ScriptResults.Success; } private void GetFilesInFolder(string folderPath) { string[] localFiles; DateTime fileChangeDate; TimeSpan fileAge; int fileAgeInDays; try { localFiles = Directory.GetFiles(folderPath, FILE_FILTER); foreach (string...