T-sql For in loop 变量循环语句 For 变量 in 循环开始的值 .. 循环结束的值(小于该值) Loop --做处理的语句 End Loop 例子: ---循环找出供应商 for i in 0 .. vendor_Total loop-- i 和 vendor_Total 在存储过程头部定义,vendor_Total 在循环之前已经赋值 if i = vendor_Total then str_vendor ...
T-sql For in loop 变量循环语句 For 变量 in 循环开始的值 .. 循环结束的值(小于该值) Loop --做处理的语句 End Loop 例子: ---循环找出供应商 for i in 0 .. vendor_Total loop-- i 和 vendor_Total 在存储过程头部定义,vendor_Total 在循环之前已经赋值 if i = vendor_Total then str_vendor ...
FOR I IN 0..0 LOOP 至END LOOP。; 是循环包裹语句,从0开始到0结束(表示循环只执行一次),第二句的意思是从文件流fp里读取一行,赋值给变量v_STR.然后在第三行变量v_LINE自增1。这是Oracle中的循环代码块,是非常基础的。for循环,in *...* 从什么到什么。比如你的从0到0,0是满足条件...
--commit; end loop; end;
Learn how to simulate the FOR LOOP in SQL Server (Transact-SQL) with syntax and examples. In SQL Server, there is no FOR LOOP. However, you simulate the FOR LOOP using the WHILE LOOP.
You do not need FOR LOOP, just a single UPDATE does the work: UPDATE emp SET comm = extra WHERE comm IS NULL AND extra IS NOT NULL; Here is a demo: http://www.sqlfiddle.com/#!4/aacc3/1 --- EDIT --- I didn't notice, that in the expected output deptno 10 was updated to...
This chapter provides tutorial examples and notes about loop statements. Topics include 'For Next' statements, 'While' statements, 'Do' statements, examples of loop of loop statements.
in loop </title> </head> <body> <p id = "output"> </p> <script> let output = document.getElementById("output"); let array = ["Hi", "Hello", 900, 23, true, "JavaScript"]; for (key in array) { output.innerHTML += key + " -> " + array[key] + "<br>"; } </...
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Breakpoints can be set in both the SQL script and in your .NET code, making debugging a simple process. Adding a function is just like adding a new class to any other project type. Simply add a new item to the project and select User-Defined Function when prompted. The new method is ...