ForLoop 类型公开以下成员。 方法 展开表 名称说明 AcceptBreakpointManager This method is called by the run-time engine when a task or container is created, and passes it a BreakpointManager manager to allow the task to create, remove, and check the status of breakpoints. This method is ...
FOR I IN 0..0 LOOP 至END LOOP。; 是循环包裹语句,从0开始到0结束(表示循环只执行一次),第二句的意思是从文件流fp里读取一行,赋值给变量v_STR.然后在第三行变量v_LINE自增1。这是Oracle中的循环代码块,是非常基础的。for循环,in *...* 从什么到什么。比如你的从0到0,0是满足条件...
At run time, the control flow in the ForLoop container is repeated within the overall package control flow. In each iteration of the loop, the ForLoop container evaluates an expression and repeats its workflow until the expression evaluates to false. For more information, see For 循环容器....
--commit; end loop; end;
T-sql For in loop 变量循环语句 For 变量 in 循环开始的值 .. 循环结束的值(小于该值) Loop --做处理的语句 End Loop 例子: ---循环找出供应商 for i in 0 .. vendor_Total loop-- i 和 vendor_Total 在存储过程头部定义,vendor_Total 在循环之前已经赋值...
T-sql For in loop 变量循环语句 For 变量 in 循环开始的值 .. 循环结束的值(小于该值) Loop --做处理的语句 End Loop 例子: ---循环找出供应商 for i in 0 .. vendor_Total loop-- i 和 vendor_Total 在存储过程头部定义,vendor_Total 在循环之前已经赋值...
"Unable to cast object of type 'MS.Internal.NamedObject' to type 'Concept.UsergroupMasterDataSet'." "Unable to cast object of type 'System.Windows.Controls.TextBlock' to type 'System.Windows.Controls.Control'." While assigning stackpannel childrens(Controls) in to the Control i am getting thi...
SQL Server 2005 Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.Wrapper IDTSForLoop90 Interface Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.Wrapper IDTSForLoop90 Interface C# Add Print Twitter LinkedIn Facebook Email IDTSForLoop90 Members Article 03/12/2008 In this article Public Properties Public Methods See Also For...
Foreach SMO enumerator to enumerate SQL Server Management Objects (SMO) objects. For example, you can enumerate and get a list of the views in a SQL Server database. The following diagram shows a Foreach Loop container that has a File System task. The Foreach loop uses the Foreach File...
若要提供容器功能,Foreach Loop 循环容器中必须包含至少一个任务。 有关详细信息,请参阅 Integration Services Tasks。Foreach 循环容器可包含具有多个任务和其他容器的控制流。 除了要将任务和容器拖动到 Foreach 循环容器而不是拖放到包以外,将任务和容器添加到 Foreach 循环容器的过程与将其添加到包的过程相似。