BEGIN WHILE chengji>0 LOOP DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line(chengji); chengji :=chengji-1; END LOOP; END; --1.4do whlie 循环 DECLARE i INTEGER :=12; BEGIN LOOP DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line(i); i:=i-1; EXIT WHEN i=0; END LOOP; END; --1.5case 语句 DECLARE i VARCHAR(20); BEGIN i :='&temp';...
FOR loop_counter IN [REVERSE] lower_bound .. higher_bound LOOP sequence_of_statements; END LOOP; 1. 2. 3. 4. FOR循环自动创建迭代器整形的loop_counter, 而不用人为声明,loop_counter的作用域为FOR循环本身,从lower_bound开始,每次循环加1,直到大于higher_bound,循环退出。 lower_bound必须小于或者等于...
In each iteration of the loop, the ForLoop container evaluates an expression and repeats its workflow until the expression evaluates to false. For more information, see For 循环容器.线程安全 此类型的任何公共 static(在 Visual Basic 中为 Shared) 成员都是线程安全的。不保证所有实例成员都是线程安全...
Executables Returns a collection of executable objects that are processed during the ForLoop iteration. ExecutionDuration Returns a value that indicates the amount of time that the container spent in execution, in milliseconds. This property is read-only. (从 DtsContainer 继承。) ExecutionResult Retur...
SQL Server 2008 ForLoop 类 使用英语阅读 TwitterLinkedInFacebook电子邮件 项目 2010/12/14 本文内容 方法 请参阅 ForLoop 方法 ForLoop类型公开以下成员。 展开表 名称说明 AcceptBreakpointManagerThis method is called by the run-time engine when a task or container is created, and passes it aBreakpoi...
In a package, looping is enabled by using a Foreach enumerator. The Foreach Loop container repeats the control flow for each member of a specified enumerator.SQL Server Integration Services provides the following enumerator types:Foreach ADO enumerator to enumerate rows in tables. For example, ...
运行pl/sql程序,得到结果中使用for循环 1SETserveroutputON;2DECLARE3--定义循环变量4pnumnumber:=1;5BEGIN6--循环条件7FORpnumIN1..10loop8dbms_output.put_line(pnum);9ENDloop;10END;11/ 运行pl/sql程序,得到结果
This article lists the releases of the Microsoft JDBC Driver for SQL Server. For each release version, the changes are named and described.
Can we optimise While Loop in sql server for large number of data? Can we pass parameters to the trigger?(Beginner) Can we RAISERROR inside MERGE Statement Can we select Bottom 1000 rows of a database Table from SSMS 2008 R2? Can we set value in a variable inside a select statement ...
in(sql语句)-- 需要循环的sql结果集 loop -- 开始循环 sql逻辑 -- 此处是需要处理的sql逻辑 end loop 表示结束for循环 2、示例 set serveroutput on ; declare salaryD varchar2(30); begin -- 将emp表所有empno存到游标empnoi for empnoi in(select empno from emp ) loop -- 循环人员 ...