福克斯特 Focusrite Scarlett 18i20 3rd Gen多通道音频接口 姓名 手机 邮箱 询价内容 提交询价 建议搭配 GAPROJECT TC1 Tube 九种指向电子管人声录音麦克风话筒 全新的GAPROJECT TC1 Tube 电子管麦克风 具有九个指向性,可从外部电源设备的前面板中进行选择,分别包含指向:全向型、宽心型型、心型型、超心型、八字型,...
需要金币:*** 金币(10金币=人民币1元) Focusrite福克斯特Scarlett 18i20 3rd Gen User Guide v2 - PL说明书用户手册.pdf 关闭预览 想预览更多内容,点击免费在线预览全文 免费在线预览全文 Machine Translated by Google Podręcznik użytkownika Wersja 2 Machine Translated by Google Proszę przeczytaj: Dz...
The Focusrite Scarlett 18i20 3rd Gen - Refurbished boasts extensive simultaneous I/O comprising eight mic preamps, 18 inputs and 20 outputs in total.
"The heart of your stuio"最高のコストパフォーマンスを実現した最上位機種 ■第三世代Scarlettの主な特長 ◆さらに追求された高音質マイクプリアンプ そのクラスを超えた高音質で人気を博したScarlettプリアンプを再度見直し、さらなる音質向上を実現。 さらにFOCUSRITEサウンドの代名詞であるISA...
产品型号:Scarlett 18i20 产品品牌:Focusrite 产品类别:USB音频接口 产品系列:Scarlett 3rd Gen 品牌新闻:Focusrite新闻 注意事项: 欢迎您来到长城乐器官方网站,购买该产品,事先联系以下客服,详细咨询产品报价、运送交付等相关事宜。电话: 4008-777-880 官方微博:http://weibo.com/musicgw ...
Maedler 轴承 61540800 在线咨询 Metrix(美国询) 变送器 ST5484E-151-0112-00 在线咨询 产品描述产品实物图选型材料 主体参数 品牌:Focusrite 产地: 描述:Focusrite 多通道声卡 Scarlett 18i20 3rd Gen 名称:多通道声卡 商品型号:Scarlett 18i20 3rd Gen 单位:个 SPU代码:WK1995 上架时间:1990-01-01咨询客服 ...
Focusrite are proud to announce three new USB-C audio interfaces to the popular Scarlett 4th Gen range — 16i16, 18i16, and the flagship 18i20. These exciting … Read more Case Studies Products RedNet Dolby Atmos 2nd Jul 2024 RedNet PCIeNX — the ultra-low latency, high-channel-count...
AllScarlett 3rd Generationinterfaces Scarlett 2nd Generation6i6, 18i8, 18i20 AllClarett USBinterfaces AllClarett Thunderboltinterfaces AllClarett+interfaces If you have one of the following interfaces, downloadMix Control- the driver will be installed at the same time. ...
Settings tab - This allows you to show or hide the left-hand settings pane. Main Alt- Indicates, and when clicked, allows you to change between two monitor pairs by routing audio toMainOutputs 1-2 orAltOutputs 3-4 (Scarlett 18i8 3rd Gen/18i20 3rd Gen) ...
This item:Focusrite Scarlett 18i20 4th Gen USB Audio Interface $649.99 + Gator FrameworksGFW-MIC-2621 Tripod Style Bass Drum and Amp Mic Stand $54.99(ea) x + Audio-TechnicaATH-M40x Closed-back Studio Monitoring Headphones $99.00 = Buy all 3:$803.98 ...