The Focusrite Scarlett 18i20 3rd Gen - Refurbished boasts extensive simultaneous I/O comprising eight mic preamps, 18 inputs and 20 outputs in total.
产品型号:Scarlett 18i20 产品品牌:Focusrite 产品类别:USB音频接口 产品系列:Scarlett 3rd Gen 品牌新闻:Focusrite新闻 注意事项: 欢迎您来到长城乐器官方网站,购买该产品,事先联系以下客服,详细咨询产品报价、运送交付等相关事宜。电话: 4008-777-880 官方微博: ...
福克斯特 Focusrite Scarlett 18i20 3rd Gen多通道音频接口 姓名 手机 邮箱 询价内容 提交询价 建议搭配 GAPROJECT TC1 Tube 九种指向电子管人声录音麦克风话筒 全新的GAPROJECT TC1 Tube 电子管麦克风 具有九个指向性,可从外部电源设备的前面板中进行选择,分别包含指向:全向型、宽心型型、心型型、超心型、八字型,...
"The heart of your stuio"最高のコストパフォーマンスを実現した最上位機種 ■第三世代Scarlettの主な特長 ◆さらに追求された高音質マイクプリアンプ そのクラスを超えた高音質で人気を博したScarlettプリアンプを再度見直し、さらなる音質向上を実現。 さらにFOCUSRITEサウンドの代名詞であるISA...
Introducing 16i16, 18i16, and 18i20 Discover Scarlett 4th Gen About us We believe in enriching peoples' lives through music, and we're proud to play our small part in that massive endeavour. We make audio interfaces, and that's all...
Introducing the new Scarlett 16i16, 18i16, and 18i20 Meet the whole family. Focusrite are proud to announce three new USB-C audio interfaces to the popular Scarlett... Read more View all Scarlett 3rd Gen Lean about the previous generation of Scarlett Find out more Footer...
需要金币:*** 金币(10金币=人民币1元) Focusrite福克斯特Scarlett 18i20 3rd Gen User Guide v2 - PL说明书用户手册.pdf 关闭预览 想预览更多内容,点击免费在线预览全文 免费在线预览全文 Machine Translated by Google Podręcznik użytkownika Wersja 2 Machine Translated by Google Proszę przeczytaj: Dz...
3rd Generation Scarlett 18i8 [3rd Gen] 18-in, 8-out USB audio interface $359.99 Was $449.99 Add to compare Find out more 3rd Generation Scarlett 18i20 [3rd Gen] 18-in, 20-out USB audio interface $499.99 Was $599.99 Add to compare Find out more Scarlett OctoPre Eight-channel ...
福克斯特18i20 三代USB专业音频接口录音配音外置声卡电吉他乐器 Focusrite品牌 48小时发货 ¥5350.0 深圳市普乐迪声科技有限公司7年 Focusrite 福克斯特Scarlett SOLO 三代 3代录音编曲外置声卡直播 福克斯特品牌 一件代发 ¥1035.5 广州癸新数码科技有限公司15年 ...
Focusrite Scarlett Solo 3rd Gen 4,0 91,50 € -14% Focusrite Scarlett 16i16 4th Generation 333,00 € 385,00 € Focusrite Scarlett 18i20 3rd Gen 5,0 476,00 € Focusrite Scarlett 18i8 335,00 € Focusrite Scarlett OctoPre 415,00 € Focusrite Scarlett OctoPre Dynamic 645,00 € Focusri...