Introducing 16i16, 18i16, and 18i20 Discover Scarlett 4th Gen Spring Sale now live Shop Now About us We believe in enriching peoples' lives through music, and we're proud to play our small part in that massive endeavour. We make audio interfac...
Introducing 16i16, 18i16, and 18i20 Discover Scarlett 4th Gen About us We believe in enriching peoples' lives through music, and we're proud to play our small part in that massive endeavour. We make audio interfaces, and that's all we do. I...
Introducing 16i16, 18i16, and 18i20 Discover Scarlett 4th Gen About us We believe in enriching peoples' lives through music, and we're proud to play our small part in that massive endeavour. We make audio interfaces, and that's a...
Introducing 16i16, 18i16, and 18i20 Discover Scarlett 4th Gen About us We believe in enriching peoples' lives through music, and we're proud to play our small part in that massive endeavour. We make audio interfaces, and that's a...
Scarlett 18i20 The engineer's 18-in, 20-out interface $749.99 Compare Scarlett The Original. Remastered. 1 Remote-controlled 4th Generation preamps. Ready for the softest vocals or the loudest amp, Scarlett features high-detail, ultra-low-noise 4th Gen preamps. With a gain range of up to...
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产品型号:Scarlett 18i20 产品品牌:Focusrite 产品类别:USB音频接口 产品系列:Scarlett 3rd Gen 品牌新闻:Focusrite新闻 注意事项: 欢迎您来到长城乐器官方网站,购买该产品,事先联系以下客服,详细咨询产品报价、运送交付等相关事宜。电话: 4008-777-880 官方微博: ...