后来,第一个型号的枪管长度为102毫米,被称为FN Browning Model 1900(比利时名称MLE.1900)。这把枪使用了7.65mm Browning(7.62x17mm SR)子弹,也是勃朗宁在1896年设计的,在美国被称为.32 ACP(.32 Colt Automatic Pistol '柯尔特’自动手枪弹).除上述自动装置工作原理外,简要考虑了手枪结构的特点。它由两个单独的...
主要就是这个枪牌撸子FN M1900手枪,作为比较早并且比较成熟的套筒式自卫手枪,FN M1900在市场上相当火爆,卖相极佳。这让柯尔特很不爽啊,众所周知,看见别人挣钱比自己亏钱还难受,fn的马提马科尔特自然也看不过去,不过好消息是当时fn公司还没有把市场拓展到美国本土,美国本土还是以左轮手枪为主,这种套筒式的自动手枪反...
于是,1897年3月31日,勃朗宁带着他的原型反冲/后座手枪(blowback pistol)和500发子弹乘船前往欧洲。 柯尔特公司于1896年签订合同,在美国生产勃朗宁设计的手枪,但实际生产还有很长的路要走,而且无论如何,柯尔特公司都没有购买勃朗宁反冲/后座式手枪设计(blowback-operated designs),而是更愿意专注于适合军事应用的闭...
- German Police Model 1900 - Deluxe engraved FN 1900 pistol - Exotic copies of the FN 1900 pistol Ebook screen prints Reloading kit USER MANUAL KITS PRICE LIST 11mm full kit Content : 11 mm tools + 12 reloadable cases + 1 powder measuring cup + 25 lead bullets ...
The original FN Browning pistol was simply known as le Pistolet Browning, or the Browning Pistol. When the Model 1900 appeared, the 1899 version was referred to by FN as the modèle de pré-série, or pre- series model. When the 1910 FN Browning appeared, the Models 1899/1900 were ...
Soon after, the Belgian military chose the compact model of the .32 ACP Model 1899 as its standard pistol. They requested modifications, such as increased frame size, grip plates and a lanyard loop, which were implemented into the venerable Model 1900, of which FN produced more than 700,000...
M1935手枪又称为GP35(法语the Modele 1935 pistolet autamatique Grand Puissance的缩写),在法国有时也简称为勃朗宁自动手枪(BAP),在英语国家则称之为勃朗宁大威力手枪(Browning High Power或Browning Hi-Power),简称BHP。规格参数 名称:勃朗宁大威力手枪 制造商:阿根廷国营兵工厂,勃朗宁武器公司 生产年限:...
当然,这也只是在军队中,民用如何不作评价,毕竟因素太多(例如AR pistol上brace对平民来说可以很有用...
Advanced dismounting of FN Model 1910 - Total breakdown to the last pin - Parts legend Mechanical features of the FN Model 1910 - John Browning's unique way - Comparison with the Walther Mod. 4 and FN Browning 1900 - Easy adaptation of a silencer ...