FN Browning 1910 - 1922 explained Price :7.95 US $ Click on the line above Download URL for automatic installation Click on the line above APP version for Android mobile devices Ebook's Content Field dismounting of the FN Model 1910 -First way (quick, simple, but partial) - Second way (i...
在比利时和爱尔兰,有时又被称为BAP(勃朗宁自动手仓Browning Automatic Pistol)。该系列中推出后就一直被改进,因此产生了许多型号,但整个系列都可以统称为大威力。不过虽然叫做大威力,但其实这种9×19mm派拉贝鲁姆口径的半自动手仓的威力无论在现代还是它刚推出的年代都不算是威力最大的手仓,该枪之所以被命名为大...
The original FN Browning pistol was simply known as le Pistolet Browning, or the Browning Pistol. When the Model 1900 appeared, the 1899 version was referred to by FN as the modèle de pré-série, or pre- series model. When the 1910 FN Browning appeared, the Models 1899/1900 were ...