FN MAG已经被超过80个国家和地区所采用,其中包括比利时、英国、澳大利亚、加拿大、美国、瑞典;而且有多个国家在取得特许生产证后合法生产,如阿根廷、埃及、印度、新加坡和英国。 FN MAG具有三种主要版本可供选择:标准型,步兵机枪型号MAG Model 60-20,装甲战斗车辆的同轴机枪衍生型号MAG Model 60-40和飞机的航空机枪衍生...
Soon after, the Belgian military chose the compact model of the .32 ACP Model 1899 as its standard pistol. They requested modifications, such as increased frame size, grip plates and a lanyard loop, which were implemented into the venerable Model 1900, of which FN produced more than 700,000...
The Model of 1899Model 1899, s/n 156Photograph courtesy of Bob Adams The original FN Browning pistol was simply known as le Pistolet Browning, or the Browning Pistol. When the Model 1900 appeared, the 1899 version was referred to by FN as the modèle de pré-série, or pre- series ...