Caused by: org.gradle.api.reflect.ObjectInstantiationException: Could not create an instance of type Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: Namespace not specified. Please specify a namespace in the module’s build.gradle file like so:...
I am having issues with a module not being found when trying to archive my app for distribution on iOS. This happens on my local machine and in the Codemagic CI. I already tried all suggested solutions mentioned in#53573. However, I did not have any success. The error persists, no matt...
componentName:loadingUnitIdToComponentNames.get(loadingUnitId);if(resolvedComponentName==null){Log.e(TAG,"Deferred component name was null and could not be resolved from loading unit id.");return;}// Handle a loading unit that is included in the base module that does not need download. if (...
Flutter开发时遇坑记录 flutter Namespace not specified. Specify a namespace in the module's build file 这里是解决方案 Do not use BuildContexts across async gaps 解决方案如下 voidonButtonTapped(BuildContextcontext)async{awaitFuture.delayed(constDuration(seconds:1));if(!context.mounted)return;Navigator...
Create a new Flutter project in the specified directory. flutter run [options] Run your Flutter application on an attached device or in an emulator. Usage: flutter [arguments] Global options: -h, --help Print this usage information. ... 1....
componentName:loadingUnitIdToComponentNames.get(loadingUnitId);if(resolvedComponentName==null){Log.e(TAG,"Deferred component name was null and could not be resolved from loading unit id.");return;}// Handle a loading unit that is included in the base module that does not need download.if(...
Hi, I can run flutter build ios, even can work with debug mode on devices But when I want to release to store, Xcode cannot compile code. Error: Module xxx not found I delete it and got same error with the second module Do you know why? ...
ImportError: No module named 'gdal' 与 DLL load failed: The specified procedure could not be found 安装GDAL的python模块 发现错误,如下图所示: 笔者电脑: 系统版本: window10 python版本:Python 2.7.3 (最好不要用3.5版本) 一、下载GDAL 1.1) 查看python 信息:MSVC1500 32 bit 1.2)登录 http://www....
三:如果xcode运行没有问题,且flutter build ios也没有问题,但是在xcode下面的product–Archive之后又出现了Module '… ’ not found,那么请先检查您用xcode打开的文件是哪一个。 应该在Xcode打开ios/Runner.xcworkspace/文件,而不是ios/Runner.xcodeproj文件 ...
s.platform = :osx, '10.11' s.pod_target_xcconfig = { 'DEFINES_MODULE' => 'YES' } s.swift_version = '5.0' # 必须 ⬇️ # telling CocoaPods not to remove framework s.preserve_paths = 'opencv2.xcframework' # telling linker to include opencv2 framework s.xcconfig = { 'OTHER_LDFLA...