您可以通过在终端中输入echo $PATH(macOS/Linux)或echo %PATH%(Windows)来检查PATH环境变量中是否包含了Flutter的bin目录。 4. 检查代码中的导入 如果您正在使用Flutter进行开发,并且已经正确安装了Flutter,但在Xcode或Android Studio等IDE中仍然看到“no such module 'flutter'”的错误,那么可能是因为项目配置或IDE设...
flutter项目中,用xcode打开ios项目后,报错: No such module 'Flutter' 需要自己到flutter项目根目录下生成flutter.xcframework,导入到ios项目中,命令如下: flutter build ios-framework --no-debug --no-profile --release --output=xcframework 参考:https://www.jianshu.com/p/b4fb146cc899...
AppDelegate中报错 'Flutter/Flutter.h' file not found (Swift报错:No such module 'Flutter') 编译可以正常通过,也可以正常运行.唯一的问题就是影响开发体验,无法联想Flutter的相关代码,无法查看代码模块详情,并且报红报错. flutter create xxx 新建项目也存在这个问题. flutter sdk 版本 3.13.8 (同事的3.7.12也...
I have created a new flutter project via flutter create sample. I then created a new channel in AppDelegate.Swift but after doing a clean and build in Xcode 13...I get error messages "No such module 'Flutter' and Cannot find 'GeneratedPluginRegistrant' in scope. The code that I'm using...
For 4.0.0 the error is: "No such module 'flutter_unity_widget'" in AppDelegate.swift Apparently XCode isn't able to access the plugin files for some reason? I've also tried exporting with Unity 2019.4.14f1 and Unity 2020.1.17f1
1,检查路径是否存在文件,如果存在:Xcode-- PROJECT--Build Setting--FLUTTER_ROOT 把路径配置上去
· flutter开发将项目从flutter版本3.19.6升级到3.24.3过程遇到问题记录Type 'UnmodifiableUint8ListView' not found · android开发kotlin编译出错Module was compiled with an incompatible version of Kotlin · Could not build module 'UIKit' · Unity 编iOS版本报错: CocoPods Installation failure · YogaK...
1 运行Flutter项目报错如下 Launching lib/main.dart on iPhone (3) in debug mode… Automatically signing iOS for device deployment using specified development team in Xcode project: xxxx Running pod install… Running Xcode build… Xcode build done. 53.0s ...
xcode升级后,ios项目出现了No such module 'UIKit'异常,编译失败 原因分析 看起来像是找不到UIKit这个依赖,那就import UIKit试一下,还是不行哎,各种百度Google,找到了说法是因为UIKit只有在iPhone和iPad下才有,Mac平台没有这个依赖包 解决方法 既然UIKit只有在iPhone和iPad下才有,那Targets->Runner->General->...
在旧的Flutter本地插件,新增新平台支持macOS,flutter create -t plugin --platforms macos .。如果依赖插件的项目之前执行过macOS,macos功能有实现了,运行还会提示 "error no such module xxx"异常。 解决 执行Flutter的macOS时,需要在macos目录下,再执行下pod install更新插件。