一:请先确认您的MACBOOK上面已经安装pods并在项目的ios目录下面进行pos install。 二:如果是在运行模拟器时出现 Module'… ’ not found。您可以事先打开您的模拟器,在Android studio中选择iphone模拟器先运行一次,再在xcode里面运行,可以正常跑通三:如果xcode运行没有问题,且flutter build ios也没有问题,但是在xco...
1,解决方案如下: 解决方法: 1:删除podfile 和podfile.lock文件 2:cd ios 3:flutter[https://so.csdn.net/so/s...
【BUG系列】Flutter打包iOS,报错fatal error: module '' not found 可能引起此问题的原因很多,我尝试了各种办法都没有解决,最终如下方式解决,成功打包。 在此记录。 原文地址:https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/53573 我有以下输出错误:致命错误:模块“square_in_app_payments”未找到@importsquare_in_app...
Flutter for IOS 出现版本跟缓存版本不对应 CocoaPods could not find compatible versions for pod "tau_sound_core": In Podfile: flutter_sound (from .symlinks/plugins/flutter_sound/ios) was resolved to 8.0.2+1, which depends on tau_sound_core (= 8.0.2+1) None of your spec sources contain ...
web开发时,可能会出现这样的错误:The superclass javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet was not found on ...
I am having issues with a module not being found when trying to archive my app for distribution on iOS. This happens on my local machine and in the Codemagic CI. I already tried all suggested solutions mentioned in #53573. However, I did...
flutter create --template module 项目名称 也可以直接用idea创建(注意创建的时候一定要选择flutter module)。创建完成build一下,命令如下: flutter build ios 这里就会出现第一个问题:签名问题。执行上面命令后会报错: 代码语言:javascript 复制 No valid code signing certificates were found ...
When I build a project with the "path_provider" plugin using Flutter, Xcode outputs the error that Module "path_provider" not found, which only appears in the build of the iOS simulator target, not in the build of the iOS physical machin...
java.io.FileNotFoundException: /Users/nesger/Desktop/nesger_folder/project/studio/my_flutter/.android/include_flutter.groovy 这样的问题,提示文件找不到。 记住:一定要先执行一次 flutter pub get 无论是新建项目,还是老项目允许出现这个问题,先想办法让编译器找到这个文件。
'HEADER_SEARCH_PATHS' => ['$(PODS_TARGET_SRCROOT)/native',],#3.重要,解决'libyuv/xxxx.h' file not found 'DEFINES_MODULE' => 'YES', 'EXCLUDED_ARCHS[sdk=iphonesimulator*]' => 'i386', } s.swift_version = '5.0' end 如果.podspec中加入 ...