I am into flutter to port my android app from java. One thing that is evident in flutter is widgets. Now my biggest obstacle to make my app work as it was on android is starting anasynctask to request data from the server. I have a custom progress dialog that can be shown or hidd...
13 result = await _reloadSources(pause: pauseAfterRestart, reason: reason); 14 } finally { 15 status.cancel(); 16 } 17 } 18 } 调用restart函数后,内部会调用_reloadSources函数,去执行内部逻辑。下面是大概逻辑执行流程。 在_reloadSources函数内部,会调用_updateDevFS函数,函数内部会扫描修改的文件,并...
BuildContext get context => _element; StatefulElement _element; bool get mounted => _element != null; @protected @mustCallSuper void initState() {assert(_debugLifecycleState == _StateLifecycle.created); } @mustCallSuper @protected void didUpdateWidget(covariant T oldWidget) { } @mustCallSuper...
{super.initState();}@overridevoiddispose(){super.dispose();}@overrideWidgetbuild(BuildContext context){// TODO: implement buildreturnScaffold(appBar:AppBar(title:Text(widget.arguments["msg"]==null?"不带参数命名路由跳转":widget.arguments["msg"]),),body:Container(child:Center(child:Text("我是...
"0"+timeNum.toString():timeNum.toString();}@overridevoidinitState(){super.initState();//获取当期时间varnow=DateTime.now();//获取 2 分钟的时间间隔vartwoHours=now.add(Duration(minutes:2)).difference(now);//获取总秒数,2 分钟为 120 秒seconds=twoHours.inSeconds;startTimer();}voidstartTimer(...
Below is what worked for me, You simply just need to bundle everything you want to happen after the build method into a separate method or function. @override void initState() { super.initState(); print('hello girl'); WidgetsBinding.instance .addPostFrameCallback((_) => afterLayoutWidget...
BuildContext get context => _element; StatefulElement _element; /// Whether this [State] object is currently in a tree. /// /// After creating a [State] object and before calling [initState], the /// framework "mounts" the [State] object by associating it with a ...
Getx 与标准方法不同,虽然它没有完全禁止使用 StatefulWidgets、InitState 等,但它总是有类似的可以更干净的方法。控制器有生命周期,例如,当您需要发出 APIREST 请求时,您不依赖于视图中的任何内容。您可以使用 onInit 发起 http 调用,当数据到达时,变量将被填充。由于 GetX 是完全响应式的(实际上,并且在流下工...