问题:新建项目卡住 解决:换源,并配置到环境变量 问题:Flutter assets will be downloaded from https://storage.flutter-io.cn. Make sure you trust this source! 解决:忽略不影响 问题:Build failed due to use of deprecated Android v1 embedding. 解决:使用了flutter v2的sdk编译项目,而你的项目是旧的v1...
针对你的问题“flutter assets will be downloaded from https://storage.flutter-io.cn”,我将基于提供的假设和任务拆解来回答,以便你了解如何配置Flutter使用指定的镜像站点下载资源。 1. 确认Flutter环境已正确安装并配置 在开始之前,请确保你已经安装了Flutter SDK,并且可以在命令行中运行flutter doctor来检查你的开...
Flutter assets will be downloaded from https://storage.flutter-io.cn. Make sure you trust this source!那基本就成功了,没有就重启下电脑 详细设置:flutter mac 三分钟 环境搭建
Note that updating a library or application's compileSdkVersion (which allows newer APIs to be used) can be done separately from updating targetSdkVersion (which opts the app in tonewruntime behavior) and minSdkVersion (which determines which devices the app can be installed on). 修改方案:找...
Hot reload issues, never loads my app Running Gradle task 'assembleDebug'... Sourcer: Dart(Extension) I use windows 10 64x, visual studio editor, Target Platform: Mobile Target OS version/browser: android 9 I click debug>Start debugging,...