性别: GG 专业: 有色金属冶金 [求助]fluent闪退,留下cortexerror文件,其他什么也没留下 各位尊敬的...
Ansys.Fluent.Cortex.CortexCommandFailedException: 应用案例和设置信息时,FLUENT中发生错误。应用案例和设置信息时,FLUENT中发生错误。在Ansys.Fluent.Cortex.CortexCommunicator.SendMessage(String msg, String msgKey, String errorMessage, Boolean waitForReply)在Ansys.Fluent.FluentCommunicator.UpdateSetupInfo(Dictionary...
Fluent中经常出现cortexerror 是什么原因55 6/2 返回列表 上一页 1 2 查看: 3800 | 回复: 54 只看楼主@他人 存档 新回复提醒 (忽略) 收藏 在APP中查看 相关版块跳转 能源 我要订阅楼主 HU_10121721 的主题更新 55 6/2 返回列表 上一页 1 2 ...
I would recommend to mark this one as resolved (Is Solution) for the Cortex issue since it's a separate issue. Then, create a new thread in that section. If you like to reference some info here, you can provide the link to this thread in that new thread. Thanks, Win...
Hey! Due to my project I need to do a simulation with Fluent. Everything went well until I started the simulation. After some time there was an error and Fluent simply closed. Since then Fluent fails to start when I want to open the project. I can still
这些都无所谓,最不能让人忍受的就是软件的自动退出,使用ANSYS 14.5.2的Fluent进行计算总是在计算了一定时间后,Fluent就自动退出并且在当前文件夹下生成一个叫做“cortexerror.log”的文件,重复了很多次做了很多设置,这个问题依然存在,并且无论在是Windows Server上还是Redhat上还是CentOS上都是如此,并且打开这个日志...
这些都无所谓,最不能让人忍受的就是软件的自动退出,使用ANSYS 14.5.2的Fluent进行计算总是在计算了一定时间后,Fluent就自动退出并且在当前文件夹下生成一个叫做“cortexerror.log”的文件,重复了很多次做了很多设置,这个问题依然存在,并且无论在是Windows Server上还是Redhat上还是CentOS上都是如此,并且打开这个...
求大佬帮忙解答..fluent计算完成后想保存case和data,结果报错 Error: Cortex received a fatal signal (SEGMENTATION VIOLATION).求大佬帮忙
报错8:Cortex received a fatal signal (unrecognized signal)./Error Object: () 1.重启fluent 2.网格优化 3.检查边界条件和初始条件 4.检查udf是否有语法错误 报错9:Stabilizing Coupled to enhance linear solver robustness. 报错10:reversed flow in 3 faces on pressure-outlet ...
get the error when running 2d udf 2nd stoke wave 1.14.2Reasons for this Error: It occurs when FLUENT is expectinga list of inputsand it gets insufficient or an improper list instead from the Cortex. It could also happen while saving a case file, and the save operation does not complete ...