ansys.fluent.cortex.cortexnotavailableexception 是一个由 ANSYS Fluent 软件抛出的异常类型。这个异常通常表示 Cortex 功能在当前的 Fluent 环境中不可用。Cortex 是 ANSYS Fluent 的一个高级功能,用于进行并行计算和加速流体动力学模拟。 分析可能导致异常的原因 Cortex 未安装或未正确配置:如果 Fluent 没有安装 Corte...
初学ansys,求解..我暂时不能理解图片,但根据文本内容我可以提供以下回答 从错误提示“Exception of type 'Ansys.Fluent Cortex.NotAvailableException' was t
"Ansys.Fluent.Cortex.CortexNotAvailableException"错误通常表示在启动 Fluent 计算时无法找到 Cortex 接口。
Error: Exception of type ‘Ansys.Fluent.Cortex.Cortex not availableException’ was thrown For more information, please refer to Fluent User's Guide -40.1. Introduction to Parallel Processing ( If you are not able to access the above link, please follow this forum discussion ...
Hey! Due to my project I need to do a simulation with Fluent. Everything went well until I started the simulation. After some time there was an error and Fluent simply closed. Since then Fluent fails to start when I want to open the project. I can still
Exception ..有人知道这是什么问题吗?突然出现的重装都没有用,太离谱了!希望有解决办法的同学们告知一下
做一个结构场-流场仿真,但是在进入fluent设置的时候进不去,弹出错误提醒:Ansys.Fluent.Cortex.CortexNotAvailableException;有没有遇到过这个问题?该怎么解决呢? 附流程图及错误提示 错误提示 流程图.png回复此楼» 猜你喜欢高校反腐败开始了,中央美院人事处长被查,设计学院副院长被查 已经有5人回复 科研生涯止于...
报错8:Cortex received a fatal signal (unrecognized signal)./Error Object: () 1.重启fluent 2.网格优化 3.检查边界条件和初始条件 4.检查udf是否有语法错误 报错9:Stabilizing Coupled to enhance linear solver robustness. 报错10:reversed flow in 3 faces on pressure-outlet ...
Fluent can also record all what is done during the interactive setup through File > Write > Start Journal. The setup is saved with GUI language in the journal file. But it is recommended to create journal file with the TUI (using TUI commands or scheme commands) and not through de GUI,...
However, when I transferred the mesh to Fluent, I got the same message as am6e18 did. "ANSYS workbench error Exception of type 'Ansys.Fluent.Cortex.CortexNotAvailableException' was thrown" These are my settings on Meshing. Thank you in advance....